Monday, November 21, 2005

saving money on heating fuel

My computer is in the kitchen, which is where I like it.  We moved it into the living room once, but I had to carry all my snacks in there; and when I was cooking, I kept burning stuff because I was in the other room.

Cliff leaves for work at 2:30 PM; my granddaughters are often gone by 5 PM, and always gone by 6.  After that, I stay at the computer (in the kitchen).  Oh, I wash and put away dishes, put the dog out, and so forth.  But I am mostly in the kitchen until time to go to bed.

The thermostat for our furnace has always been in the living room, which would make perfect sense for a normal family situation.  But you see, after the girls go home, my living room isn't used, and it's been deciding the temperature for my living quarters all this time.

I finally talked Cliff into moving the thermostat into the kitchen.  So when everyone is gone but me and the dog, I cover the doorway to the living room, close the door to my bedroom, shut the heating ducts in both rooms, and save a fortune on propane!  I'm only heating the kitchen, the bathroom, and the hall, this way.  You'd be amazed at how seldom the furnace comes on.  When I go to bed, the bedroom door is opened, but I still don't open the vent in there, because we like sleeping in a cool room.  And I turn the heat down to 55 for the night.

Primitive, isn't it?  I love my country life! 


  1. Mosie....not primitive....just wise money management....we also like a cool or cold bedroom...what you do sounds cozy to me....LOL....Hugs...Ora

  2. I will sometimes open a window while I'm getting ready for bed to get it extra chilly and I keep the thermosat low which is good, unless your naked.  lol

  3. We also love sleeping in cold quarters. It feels so good under the covers.  Anne

  4. LOL   This is Too Perfect!  I came to visit after you stopped by Caneyhead.......and I can't believe it!!  It's like I never left home!  lol   We do the curtain in the doorway, turn the thermostat down thing here to!  And I love your picture in your sidebar!  Do hope to know you better, as you seem just like my kinda people.  :o)  Barbara

  5. city folks....we'd have icycles hanging off our noses.  LOL.

  6. That reminds me so much of my folks' house when I was just a lad.  We heated the the tiny house with a wood-burning stove.  My dad got woke at 4:30 am to stoke it up a bit before I had to get up for school.


  7. Great entry!.. my computer is in my bedroom but thats because it's my only "space" lol.. this home isnt mine.  Talk about a cramped desk I have two full sized computers set up on a small desk.. I had planned to get rid of the old computer until i found out my paint program wont work on xp very well! (and i don't like the newer versions of psp).. so here i sit with two 19 inch screens!!! a bit much even for me! lol

  8. brrrrrr, I like the idea of saving fuel, but the lowest my furnace goes is 68.  I still have a very cool bedroom - the heat doesn't seem to go there much.  I liked the computer in the kitchen, but my boys said that wasn't a good place, so now it's in the livingroom.  Snow is on the way here today...again I say brrrrrrr.  'On Ya' - ma

  9. I love a cool bedroom, unfortunately Pat does not.

  10. In response to what you wrote in my journal..
    Wow.. Jimmy Carter!  I couldn't beat that one! lol.. I have met and even became friends with one "famous actor" but the most famous person i've had my picture taken with is probably Alan Bean.. the astonaut that walked on the moon.. and even that's not great.. what would have been great is if the picture of me and him was taken ON the moon! lol..

  11. I love the fact that I don't seldom even turn my heat on in the winter, because I love to sleep with the temp in the house around the same as you 55-60.  Because the temps are so "warm" out here in the winter, if you turn your heater completely off, it always stays at least 60 at night when you sleep.  During the day the temps are usually in the 70's or 80's, so no heater needed then either.  Sometimes I do have to turn my A/C on though, because I cannot stand to be HOT!
    I love your country life too!  I live vicariously through you!!


  12. We heat with gas and kerosene. It is awful the prices!
