Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It isn't all about me

Our health insurance where Cliff works is increasing in cost, and they're making lots of changes.  I hate change.  But I remember several years ago when we had no insurance; we took out a policy on our own, and the monthly premium took most of one weeks pay; and the premium went up every time we received a bill.  We dropped it after three months because we didn't have that kind of money.  Thank God we were healthy for our six un-insured years.  But I still remember the nagging feeling in the back of my mind, wondering what would happen if we were injured, or came down with some serious illness.  I appreciate having access to health insurance.  Health care costs are rising at astronomical rates, and somebody has to pay the piper.

We now have a choice of three insurance plans; of course the cheapest one has a huge deductable, and the best plan has practically none.  We're choosing the middle plan, which is similar to what we already have, and is only about $4 more than we're currently paying.  Oh, dental and vision are extra now.  We'll pass on the vision, but will pay $6 a week for the two of us, for dental insurance.  All told, when the new insurance takes effect, Cliff's check will be about $10 less.

There are things I'll have to get used to.  For instance, to get the best deal on prescriptions, we'll have to order them online.  And we'll have to ask for generic prescriptions for the lowest co-pay.  I have no problem with that, and in time I'll get used to it.  We'll have to change dentists, because our current one isn't on the new PPO list.

In the same way, I can get used to the banner ads on everybody's AOL journals.  I know how to make the banners disappear:  Just scroll down a tiny bit, and POOF!!!  They're gone.

In the case of AOL, as in the case of our health insurance, it's a matter of a company making money rather than going in the red.  It isn't all about me, and they're NOT all out to get me.

I hate changes.  But I've lived through a lot of them, and I think I'll survive these.


  1. Attitude is everything...Yea Mosie...You excell again

  2. Thank you for always having such a positive attitude about the various changes AOL has. I like your suggestion about scrolling down to not see the ads... Too funny! I am not seeing all these ads everyone is seeing, I think my pop up controls are blocking them...
    I love visiting your journal!
    Linda :)

  3. I have said it before and will say it again....Mosie always sees the glass a half or three quarters full....never half or three quarters empty....if there is a ray of sunshine in a situation.....she will find it....for sure....Hugs....Ora

  4. Amen, Donna - amen.  Blessings, Penny

  5. That's right - life is all about changes...happens everyday and so I make the best of this one and tomorrow will take care of its self - with or with out me. 'On Ya' - ma

  6. Good attitude. I'm just aggravated that I have tried to post an entry twice and it won't go. I too remember the days of not having insurance. Had a baby and had my tonsils out without. Made us do without something to get some insurance fast. Paula

  7. This AOL thing is just not a big deal....scroll down a bit and it's gone.  Just like you said.  It's a shame so many are overreacting.  I'm staying put too.


  8. I don't like what AOL is doing but I have friends here and they mean more to me than a stupid ad. I am staying and reading!

  9. I dread what will happen when Pats insurance gets renewed. We may have to drop coverage on me. It is getting outragous. At present time it is $78 a week just for me to be on it. AND they will not cover all my stuff, calls it pre-existing. And because I have to keep it treated They will not pay. Cheaper to drop it at this point.

  10. You are so right about changes, Mosie.  I hate them too, but have learned to deal with them.

    The scroll bar does work wonders doesn't it?  Just a couple clicks and that banner pretty much disappears.

