Tuesday, March 15, 2005

seen today during a ride

The mailman passed me and my horse as we were getting pretty close to home today.  Then I saw him pull over and get something out of the back of his pickup.

"Must be a big package to deliver," I said to myself.

But wait... it looks like a chain saw.   Yep, when he started it up and began cutting brush along  the road, I had to smile.  Why would he be doing this?

Oh, it's been rubbing against his truck when he delivers mail there.

There's something you city folks will never see!  I love living in the boonies.


  1. Good LORD mother!  Only in *that* town.

  2. Man, those mailmen must make pretty good money...look at the new Stihl chainsaw!

  3. That's funny!!!  Not the average postman duty, I suppose.  I really like our mail man here.  He is good to leave big packages on our back porch and sometimes will even knock on the door.
    Not sure if he carries the chainsaw.

  4. Your right, that's not something one would see in the city.  It would be against union rules, not in his job description!  Enjoyed reading your journal tonight.          Dawn

  5. Jeesh! Our mailman won't even deliver to us unless our mailbox is X inches from the curb and X inches high and X size with no obstructions. They just keep your mail until you get it right. @@

  6. Nice truck. Don't blame him. LOL Our maillady put ant posion down around our box.

  7. Cute entry...what a mailman. No, sure wouldn't see that here in the city. They just wouldn't deliver the mail.

    SHARON :)

  8. Thats my kind of mailman. Good to take care of those trucks. Do vandals beat the top of mailboxes there? When we lived at the ranch I got a box in the tiny town post office. Gave me an excuse to go to town every day. Paula
