Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Oh Kevin!!!!!

This is my son-in-law, Kevin, doing one of the things he does best:  barbecuing!

Kevin, since Thursday, August 4, is your birthday, you may make out a menu for this Sunday, and I will cook it.  Anything I've ever cooked in the past is fair game.  Your wish is my command!  From the main course to dessert!

Happy birthday.


  1. WHAT A WONDERFUL mother -in-law you are.

    :Looks like he samp[les too many of his cookings.  Better stick with veggies
    instead of the RIBS..

  2. How sweet Donna.....looks like the boy know what he's doin' !  Would love to come to dinner on Sunday...sounds like it's gonna be a good one. You GO girl!!

  3. Great, Now I am going to be singing THAT song for the next day. I have just finished with Clayton Delaney and now it's this..........I MUST MAKE AMENS!  ANNE

  4. What a great gift!

  5. Now I have another reason to admire the man who makes your beautiful daughter so happy!  


  6. What time do we eat???

  7. I'm sending my birthday request a month in advance.  Be prepared!!  Penny

  8. I'm working on my menu right now! Thank you. Regarding the first response to this post, never trust a skinny cook.

  9. I gotta defend Kevin...don't tell him what he needs to be eating. So he's overweight, so what?!?!  So am I!  He is a damn good father and a damn good husband.  Yeah, you hit a nerve, buddy.  He's an incredible human being, and nobody could EVER hold a candle to him.  'nough said.

  10. Yeah, what Rachel said.
