Sunday, September 4, 2005

A poem I just wrote

"Where is God?"  the cynic asked, and wiped away a tear.
"In the midst of chaos, don't tell me that God is near."
"How can anyone believe there is a God of love
When He allows disaster, watching smugly from above."

"Where is God?  I'll just get stoned, so I don't have to see
The crowded, dying, stinking masses of humanity.
I'll take care of number one, and keep my senses numb
And put down Christians everywhere; they're ignorant and dumb."

Friend, I saw God yesterday, when someone gave a bed
To someone he had never met... and got that person fed!
God was in the child's eyes who gave ten cents away
To help Katrina's victims somehow get through one more day.

Someone from my little town has volunteered to leave
Because his EMT abilities just might relieve
A little of the suffering and misery and strife.
God's in Brian's heart, to make him go and risk his life.

I've seen God in every tear that anyone has shed.
God will lead the valiant in the hectic days ahead.
Don't look up.  Look all around.  Just seek, and you will find
That God works through the hearts and through the hands of all mankind.

Donna Wood,  copyright September 4, 2005


  1. Oh Mo, this is just fabulous. I really love this poem.   Anne

  2. Mosie, that was beautifully written, and you took the words right out of my mouth.
    I have been wanting to write about all of this but I haven't, because I fear I will say something to offend someone, and so I'm opting to keep my mouth shut.  At any rate, your poem said it all, and so beautifully!  Thank you for sharing! :)


  3. I agree that the poem was expertly-written, but I choose to believe that acts of supreme kindness you've witnessed are not God-related.  People can just naturally find their giving selves at times like this without a church telling them to.  I've been known to be kind sometimes -- and I'm an athiest.  Just a thought.

  4. Very good. I agree with you 100%. Helen

  5. That was a beautiful poem and I can tell it came from the heart.  God Bless You !  'On Ya'  - ma

  6. That was beautiful! Oh and Amen!

  7. beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Wonderful. I am hoping we will see more stories come out about miracles and acts of selflessness on tv...I know they are out there.

  9. wow, your a very talented poet. You should have this published. This was a beautiful poem.Thanks for sharing.
    ~ Ashley Romero
