Saturday, April 7, 2007

my new hobby

Since I love my camera (I have mentioned that, haven't I?) and one of my favorite things to do is take pictures in my woods, I'm having a blast this morel season taking pictures of mushroom hunters I meet on my property.

One of the most fun things about this hobby is the expression on folks' faces when I ask them to hold still while I take a picture.

"Why are you taking pictures?" they'll say, and you can see them squirm.

I told my "new friends" today that I have an online journal, and I just want to share with my readers how many people hunt mushrooms on my property.

"Don't worry, we're not posted, so I can't get you in trouble.  And I don't even know who you are.  Are you some of Marvin's?"

They said they weren't, but who knows?  And who really cares?

Oh, to meet my new friends, click HERE.


  1. Oh My Gosh !    That is soooooooo funny, you are so clever.   I still think you need an electric fency allllllllll the way around your property!!!  How 'bout attaching motion sirens here and there (especially in the best 'morel' areas), like REAL LOUD ones !!!   You'll be able to here them guys arrive from inside the house LOL!   Happy Easter ...

  2. OK,, I have a question.. by not being posted do you mean you do not have a sign up to keep off property?  I remember when we had the farm we had signs up saying no hunting.. and it was called posted I think?  If you put the sign up would that keep them out???? Probably not I am thinking...

  3. You go girl!

    But please be careful....some of these people may not like you taking their pictures.

  4. Maybe they wouldn't know what the fence was......& they would get quiet a SHOCKK.....LOL

  5. Dead to rights! Damn, it doesn't get any better than that. I'm sure there are some reading all this thinking "who cares about some mushrooms" but one thing nobody has brought up is the fact that when these idiots are crossing the fence they are mashing it and basically tearing it up.

  6. I just cannot believe those mushrooms are that popular.  Does this happen every Spring?  Maybe you should post a sign MUSHROOMS THIS WAY=====> Then again you could put a can on one of the trees that asks for a donation.  Glad you can keep your sense of humour about it all.  'On Ya' - ma

  7. Wow I've been missing out on the fun. Just dawned on me today I wasn't getting any alerts from your journal. Now I know why you went private for a while. Around here it may be a little dangerous to meet some strangers in the woods when they are stealing. Paula
