Thursday, April 12, 2007

Check out my son's last couple of entries:  he's spent two days this week at former President Jimmy Carter's home, and I believe he came away with the same impressions of the man that Cliff and I got, three years ago (by the way, our son is on the right, if you had any doubts).

You see, Cliff and I went to Church at Maranatha Baptist Church some time back, and sat in the Sunday School class taught by Jimmy Carter.  We came away believing this man is genuine.   He might be wrong, but I'll guarantee you he does what he believes is right.  If there was ever a sincere Christian and a good-hearted man, it's Jimmy Carter.  And yes, folks, I am Republican.  I don't agree with Mr. Carter's latest book.

But I love and respect the man.

I do hate the fact that Cliff and I were both so fat in that picture, and I'd love to convince Cliff to make the trip down there one more time... just so we'd have our skinny selves pictured with a former president before he dies.  He's no spring chicken, you know.  (By the way, am I the only one who thinks Jimmy looks younger now than he did three years ago?)


  1. I adore Jimmy Carter. I always have.  He is a statesman, and a truly good person.

  2. You look nice in your blue outfit. Paula

  3. I seriously do NOT remember Dad ever being that big. Then again, he looked at a picture of me once and said the same thing.  Love for a person blinds you, doesn't it?

  4. I saw your son's picture with President Carter...And I agree with you Mosie...The man is a true southern gentleman...and has helped so many people...I do not see an ounce of fat on you in that picture Mosie...
    love ya,

  5. It's okay -- republicanism CAN be cured!  ;)


  6. I'm impressed !  It is not many that have had an opportunity to do what you all have.   What an honor to stand by someone that was President.  'On Ya' - ma

  7. That is great!  I too respect Jimmy Carter but don't necessarily agree with his policies!  So cool that you could meet him and worship with him!

  8. I agree with you that President Carter looks younger than he did three years ago. That is a good picture of you and Cliff and them and also a good picture of your son with him. I went to your son's journal and read it. All that was very interesting. Helen
