Friday, April 6, 2007

Greetings from Independence, Kansas

Talk about spur-of-the-minute, this is it.  Cliff's been planning for two weeks to come down here and paint some tractors for his brother.  I didn't intend to come along because I'd have been bored sitting around Donald's house; his wife and I have little in common.  Besides, the granddaughters are out of school today and I had to stay home with them.

But Cliff was dreading the four-hour trip alone; and he has a tendency to fall asleep at the wheel, driving by himself.

This morning I got a brainstorm, and I ran it by my daughter first, since it involved her daughters.  What if the girls and I were to accompany Cliff and stay at a motel in Independence, Kansas?  I'd checked out what the town had to offer, and learned that the Appletree Inn is downtown near stores, a museum, and a movie theater.  And it has an inside swimming pool.  Rachel sounded surprised/apprehensive/confused, but said it worked for her.

When Cliff woke up, I told him my idea.  I had to explain the whole thing about three times, but he finally admitted he was dreading the drive and it would be nice to have company.

I always read aloud when we're traveling by car, so I chose "Little House On The Prairie" for this trip.  Which turned out to be a good choice, because it takes place, I found out as I read, forty miles from Independence, Kansas.  The store held everyone's interest, although I should have stopped reading at times and helped Cliff watch our roads, because he got lost and had us headed merrily to Oklahoma City.  I just happened to take a break from the story and look up to see that we were on I-35.  Not good.  Since the kids were along, Cliff held his anger inside.  OK, so we wasted 40 miles.  Other than that, it was a good trip.

The girls have had a swim, and in about an hour we're heading across the street to see "Meet The Robinsons".  They assured me it's a good movie for kids.

This is kinda fun.  I'd better eat my peanut butter sandwich so I don't get too hungry in the movie.

When Cliff is done for the day, he'll join us for a good night's sleep.


  1. sounds like a fun day  mo... i loved the Little House books.. i read them all.. as did my girls.. and my grandchildren have read them too...sorry you had that little detour toward OKC,, but life does go on...LOL  Tell the girls Hi for me...

  2. Hey, that's the way to make the best of a situation!  Sounds like a fun little side trip.  Let me know how the movie was.

  3. Sounds like a great trip.  Good you had that spur of the minute inspiration !  A  little Spring break for all !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I took my granddaughter to that movie and we both enjoyed it.

  5. I love spur of the moment stuff like that!  Have a great time!

  6. Men do not have good radar!

  7. Sadie is here, and happy.  Thanks for giving the girls this outing!

  8. Gee, you think of the neatest ways to have a great time!  My husband is a decendant of the 'Wilder' family (Almonzo Wilder marr'd Laura Ingalls in 1885, he died in 1949)   Several in our family have 'Wilder' as their middle name, incl my father-in-law, and our 10 yr old grandson, Beau.  If we'd had a boy, he would've been named Scott Wilder Mills, but twas never to be, 3 daughters here, lol.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!   Judy

  9. Your granddaughters must be having a ball - I know my kids have always loved staying in hotels, even overnight during a trip.

  10. What a great idea!!!  I like stuff like that and am glad you and the girls are having a blast.



  11. as a Grandmother, YOU ROCK!

    Independance isnt too far from me. It is a nice town.

    Im glad Cliff didnt have to make the long drive alone, too. Have a safe trip home.

  12. You're such a great grandmother...I wished my son's grandmothers (on either side) was like you.  Neither of them take very much interest in him.  Sure they like the visit, but that's about it.  Neither of them have ever took him on an outing.
    I hope to be like you when I have grandchildren!  Have a safe & wonderful trip!

  13. Wonderful...marvelous...I think this is one of the best ideas you have had......more memories for those girls.   Little house......good choice, but then you are known for your good choices
