Saturday, June 18, 2005

Patrick's Saturday Six

Picture from Hometown

I always forget to link to Patrick's blog:  If you want to do the Saturday Six, leave a link to your entry HERE, in the form of a comment in his journal.

1. Do you do a yearly "spring cleaning" in your home?  If so, have you done this year's version, yet?  No, I don't

2. Have you ever been blindfolded and asked to identify which of two drinks is Pepsi or Coke?  no  If you haven't, do you think you could tell the difference?  Yes

3. You find out that you're going to have a child:  what baby names will you choose?  Jessica or Jody for a girl, and Benjamin for a boy, after my grandfather... but I'd probably call him Ben.

4. You must become one of the Brady Bunch kids for a single day:  which one would you choose to become and why?  I never cared for The Brady Bunch, seldom watched it, and don't know one kid from another.

5. Where are you going for summer vacation this year?  Since I quit work our funds are limited, so I don't plan to do any vacation other than the Old Thresher's Reunion on Labor Day weekend.  I do have "mini-vacations" almost every day, by spending time in my cabin or riding Blue for an hour or two.

6. What is the most religious thing you do on a day-to-day basis?  I have a One-Year Bible, which takes me through the Bible in a year.  I try very hard to read each days scriptures, although I miss sometimes.  If I just miss one day, I usually read two days' worth the next.  If I miss more than one day, I simply skip the ones I've missed. 


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