Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Your Monday Photo Shoot on Tuesday: Odd Man Out

Here's John Scalzi's assignment:

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Give us a picture of many things alike -- and one thing not. If you're of a certain age (i.e., my age), you'll remember the song from Sesame Street that went "one of these things is not like the others..." This is a picture version of that. Could be as simple as three cups and a dish, or six cars and a bicycle, or a bunch of young kids with on elderly person. You get the idea.

Well, I don't have "many things" for this shot, but I have one "odd man out" hanging around with two things different than himself.

This old rooster used to belong to the neighbor; I guess he likes the company over here, because the only time he isn't with my two calves is at night, when he's roosting in an open bay of our barn.

He seems to be saying, "Didn't you ever see a calf with feathers?"

Go ahead, find a picture where "one of these things is not like the other", post it, and leave the link over at John Scalzi's place.


  1. My mind has come up blank on this asignment. You did good. Helen

  2. This is so cute! I'm going to be on the hunt for that picture and will post it to my journal if I get something.


  3. GREAT!  What a good job you did with this catagory

  4. I love these photos!!!!!


  5. how cute!  Friends for sure they all are.

  6. that is very cute ... Ima look for something or maybe even take one myself :)

  7. Very nice! Have to go through and see if I can find something too...

  8. That is the perfect photo for this challenge.

  9. That kind of makes me miss the chickens my grandfather had on his farm!

