Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It was a good Christmas

We had a nice Christmas indeed.  Cliff and I don't play the gift game.  If there's anything we want or can afford throughout the year, we tell one another about it and then we get it. 

Cliff watched our new, close-captioned DVD of "It's a Wonderful Life" with me Monday evening, which is the way I like to spend Christmas Eve.

Yesterday as soon as we got the call that the granddaughters were awake, we headed over there to watch them open their gifts from Santa and their parents.  They had gotten me and Cliff some gifts with their own money (probably some of the money we gave them for Christmas), so we had something to unwrap from each girl.  Rachel had made those dipped pretzels that Cliff loves so much, and the Hi-Ho crackers dipped in chocolate that I go nuts over.  And she had lasagna ready for the oven, which we cooked at our house.  For me and Cliff, it was our last big over-eating hoorah.

I've gained 11 1/2 pounds since the first of November.  Cliff has gained more than that.  I hate that it happened, but we're going to fix it.  In the past, getting rid of excess baggage was more of a vanity thing; since Cliff's open heart surgery, it's life or death, and I could kick myself for letting him gain weight and for cooking so many of the wrong things just to give myself a seasonal "sugar-high".

Anyhow, I'm motivated, and we are officially back on track.

Boy, that lasagna sure was good though.


  1. Keeping that weight off is a trick for sure...but putting it back on seems to be so very easy.  My eating habits never seem to vary much.  Even with all the goodies at Christmas time, I've stayed about the same because I don't over eat on anything.  I just have a little bit at a time... it seems that all I want.  Yes, it is all really good for sure.  I'm glad you had a great Christmas Day with your family.
    'On Ya' - ma

  2. I'm glad to hear you had a great day!  Yes, back on the health wagon for me too!  Linda

  3. I need to loose some original pounds...not gain-backs.  Wish I had your will power.

  4. It seems the perfect day for you and Cliff -- and that's how we spend our day.  Simple pleasures.

    Like you, I watched It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve, but I watched alone this year.  Wah...

  5. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.  I enjoy visiting you.  Your life sounds great;; mostly it's because YOU MAKE it great!

  6. Aww that was really nice of the kids!  Sounds pretty good!  Glad you guys had a nice day :)

  7. evil Holiday pants are soooooo tight.

  8. Oh yes, all these foods this time of year are so hard to avoid and so delicious.... I know what you mean, for my health sake I have to get busy and drop some pounds.  I am thankful you had a lovely Christmas and time with family and the things that are important.  Many blessings,

  9. its always hard during the season Tgiving thru Christmas...I don't know why ... but we seem to think we have to endulge ourselves during this time....past habits are sometimes hard to break!!!!  but having the mind set that we are now back on the good....cause we know in our heart it is the healthy thing to do....good luck...know you will take off the pounds fast...God Bless ....Hugs...Ora    

  10. many wishes for a good new year!

    ~~Happy New Year~~


  11. It sounds like a great Christmas! And don't worry about the extra two will take it off in no time!

  12. Mosie...I am glad yall had a good Christmas. Don't worry about the weight gain...I know you and when you are determined to do something you do it! Just don't starve yourselves now ! lol lol
    love ya,

  13. Christmas doesn't seem like Christmas without "It's a Wonderful Life!"  I have watched it twice already.  

    It is more fun to me now to watch the kids open their gifts!  One of the grandkids (almost a year and a half old now) got bored ripping the paper off and played in the box that the high chair came in!  My dachshund Petey was running in and out of their "fort" and having a wonderful time as well.  

    That seasonal sugar high did me in as well.  I had lost a few before Thanksgiving but all bets were off between now and then!

    I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas and thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog!  I consider you a friend as well and it made my day to read it :)

    Good luck on getting back on track and have a happy new year!  Jeff

  14. Yes Ian and I are motivated for health reasons more than for looks these days also. We want to be around for each other for a long time to come and are trying our best to keep each other going in this quest for a better way of living. I know you and Cliff can get the extra pounds off together. It really does make it easier when you both do it. I am finding that out now. Sounds like you did have a very nice Christmastime. :)
