Sunday, November 28, 2004


Cliff and I seldom go to movies.  In fact, given his choice, Cliff would never go anywhere off our 42+ acres; but since a movie theater came to a nearby town of 5,000 or so, eight miles from here, we take in perhaps four movies a year.  When we do go, I try to see that it's a movie we'll both be interested in:  for Cliff's part, that usually means comedy (he's the world's greatest Pink Panther/Peter Sellers fan... geesh).

But as soon as I saw a few snippets of "Ray" on television a while back, I knew we had to see it.  We both have loved Ray Charles' music over the years, and were always interested in this fascinating personality.  I suppose it helps that he's mingled with the country singers we love, and sung their songs, sometimes in duets with them. 

The movie exceeded my expectations.  I laughed, I cried (and I don't cry easily); for the duration of the movie, we forgot we were watching an actor (Jamie Foxx) and believed, heart and soul, that it was Ray Charles on the screen.

See this movie!


  1. You just sold a ticket!!  I've also loved Ray's music for many years.  I think my favorite song is "Georgia".  It's hard for me to say that I adore a song dedicated to "red state", but there you go.

  2. I "will" see this movie.  Thanks for the link.  Looks great from here

  3. I haven't seen the movie yet and can hardly wait too. Ray Charles has been my favorite singer for many years. *Barb*
