Thursday, July 12, 2007

Colorado plans, revisited once again

Cliff sold the Farmall Cub, and we agreed that gave us plenty of money to go to Colorado, with some left over for Cliff to spend on tractor stuff... or motorcycle stuff, whatever.  My regular readers, of course, know Cliff would rather stay home; but he likes Colorado and was willing to go because, in the give-and-take of marriage, he figured it was his turn to give... once again.

He's been looking for a 7-foot, rear-discharge finish mower for a long time.  I won't explain the reasons he wanted one, but they were valid.  Anyhow, the day after selling the Cub, he happened to talk to a friend who had exactly the heavy-duty mower he'd been looking for all this time... for $850.  That's probably half the new price.  Besides, that still left us enough money enough to go to Colorado.

But wait: I personally think, in all my vast knowledge of things vehicular, that the motorcycle needs new tires.  Cliff says they're good for a long time yet, but I don't want any blowouts.  OK, there goes another $300-plus.

Gasoline went up to $3.15 a gallon.  Well, we can charge the gasoline; I might take three months paying it off, but it would get paid.

Then I spent an afternoon and night at the cabin, relaxing and reading and playing Frisbee with Sadie.

I came back to the house renewed the next morning, and I thought, "Do I really want to spend all that money going to the mountains when I can relax at the cabin and ride my horse right here at home?"

(Yes, we've had this conversation before.)

Yesterday Cliff called me outside, saying that Secret had turned her water-container over, just playing with it.  I decided it was time to give her a bigger container, since she was drinking the old one dry every four days. 

We also decided to pursue finding her a buddy so she won't have to use inanimate objects for companionship.  At one time I had someone who'd sell me a Dexter bull calf (we'd make him a steer) for $200.  It's been awhile, so I don't know if that animal is still available.  I tried emailing and  phoning the people; they must be on vacation.  If I can arrange it, we'd go get the calf this weekend.

Cliff agrees we'll go on some weekend trips.  He also wants to invest in some sort of push-cart he's seen that I can take to the cabin when I go:  I often wish I had my guitar back there, but that means another trip to the house.   With this cart, I could take the kitchen sink with me if I wanted to (which I don't; that's one thing I'm escaping, back there).

So for the second time this year, I've decided against Colorado.  I'm quite happy with the decision.  Cliff is doubly happy.

But watch out:  next year I'm holding out for Wyoming!

And I'm already stashing money into a savings account toward that goal.


  1. I guess you were meant to stay at home this summer.  I know you will enjoy the weekend trips and your place in the woods.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. I always do that to. Plan on something then get the money and think of other things i could really use the money for that i really need more.
    Oh well you guys will go soon.
    That cow is just to darn cute. SHe has the sweetest little face and she is colored so pretty. And she seems so happy go lucky. I just love her.

    Take care :-)

  3. Sometimes (such as these times) There's No Place Like Home!  It's always fun to travel, it's the balancing of the check book afterwards that takes the wind out of the sail! Hope the companionship hunt goes well ~ Have a happy day! Take care,

  4. For me a night or two in your cabin would be a great vacation for me! Secret is a beauty! Have a nice day! Kimmie~~~~~~ :) :) :)

  5. I'm sure you'll have a great summer without going to Colorado.  That cabin looks so serene. That in itself is a vacation!
    Hope you find Secret a companion soon.

  6. Secret is sure looking good...I don't think we will be going on vacation this year either...but then, most folks say its like a vacation coming to our house. I guess it is...and I havent been gone from the city so long I dont know it! :)

  7. WYOMING???????  But what about Virginia - again?



    Chiquita Bnana

  8. hey, your a woman, your allowed to do change your mind at will.

    The cabin DOES look very inviting :)

  9. WTG !!!! You GO girl ! That cabin looks mighty inviting. I'm sure you will be happy just being around the place there. And next year....GO BIG !!!

  10. I love the doggie, by the way!  

    Go to Colorado, forchrissakes!  Have fun!  At least somebody is!
