Sunday, October 2, 2005

A motorcycle in our future?

I know I have a lot of Christian friends praying that we won't get a motorcycle... I think it's the same Christian friends who prayed that I wouldn't get a horse. 

And I know I have one atheist friend who is hoping and wishing we don't get a motorcycle.

Life is not safe, and we will not get out of this world alive (in the flesh, anyhow).

I love the fact that there are people who worry about my safety; since my mom died, it's hard to find that kind of concern.

But folks, I am going to die sometime.  I'd rather die from a motorcycle wreck, or from being tossed from a horse, than to suffer the living death that occurs in nursing homes.

Cliff's tractor is probably going to an acquantaince. 

(An aside to my children, so they know what's going on.... it's Don Novak's twin brother.)

And we will probably end up with the motorcycle you see in the above picture.

Now stop worrying.


  1. Life isn't a dress rehersal, so go feel the wind blowing through your hair!  Anne

  2. You GO girl !!  Bill says..... ATTA GIRL!!! (he likes your attitude) He also said you're a kick in the pants. .....Cliff, he didn't say kick her in the pants!
    Donna, I agree with you 100% (but then I'm a motorcycle fan too!)  Nance

  3. I like your attitude. It's much like mine. Enjoy your new ride!

  4. Well I am not a "motorcycle fan"....but to each his own has always been my motto....I wouldn't want everyone or anyone to live life the way I do....shooooeeeee....what a bore.......LOL...GO CLIFF....and be sure Donna is along......LOL...Hugs all around

  5. I get scared on those things.. but then again the picture of that one looks like its a luxury sedan the scary motorcycles to me are those fast bikes made for speed .. if you know which kind I mean.. :) Mel

  6. Here's your atheist friend again!  Dying is easy, Mosie -- suffering is hard.  Spine, head and neck injuries can really F you up for a long time.  I worry about you being on that thing.

  7. It's a beautiful bike!  I'm not into them now, but loved them when I was younger.  this one is like the Cadillac of rides, looks like it would be very comfy to ride on.  If I were brave, I'd ask for a ride.  Fortunately, you're too far away for me to get brave enough to ask.  Have a ball, you two!  You only live once.  Blessings, Penny

  8. I still say Go For It!!!

    Be sure to take lots of pictures.

  9. Well...I like the fact that its a big one!  Everyone has their own ways to have fun, so I hope you all enjoy it.  Me???  No Way!  But that's just me.  Enjoy!  'On Ya'  - ma

  10. My husband always says..."When it's my time to go, it's my time to go."  Nothing anyone can do about it. I think God wants us to enjoy life and enjoy the things he can provide for us...even a motorcycle. All you can do is be safe and learn how to handle isn't like you will be racing it down the freeway.  Enjoy, be safe and live a long long time!


  11. Nice bike! Goldwing, right? I am enjoying ours and I was scared to death of them.

  12. It's so PRETTY !!!!   You go, girl !! Enjoy !

  13. While I am scared to death of motorcycles, I am all for those who wish to ride them!  You only live once, and like you said, we all have to go sometime!  Might as well go doing what you enjoy, than sitting around doing nothing.. just waiting to draw that last breath!
    I say "Go for it!"


  14. I am one of those that is worried for you both! lol It is because we love you so!!!
    love ya,

  15. oh we are going to see lots more pics of lands unseen yet by your you and Hubby hit the road....have fun and please be careful...the bike is very pretty.

  16. You can stay at home and spend your life taking no chances and die. Or you can go out and live...and die. Don't die, but live!

  17. Its a beaut, but I am one of those who worry about motorcycles and horses. Oh well have fun you two. Paula

  18. Mo, it's a beauty and I think  you should go for it.  We only live once and life is no fun if you don't take risks.  And one thing for sure, you're not going to die one second before God says it's time!..........Love, Sam
