Friday, October 21, 2005

a busy day for Cliff

Cliff stays busy in his shop most days, but I think today he was mainly trying to keep his mind off the fact that the D-17 Allis is leaving tomorrow.  He's making a bale spike for the John Deere, to move our big bales of hay around.

I'll be glad to get Allis's delivery done, and behind us.  There's an air of sadness around here, with her sitting out there, but no longer being ours.

Cliff's decided to sell the cattle, too.  That's a decision I'll leave to him.  I've always considered these "his" cows.  He'll use the proceeds from their sale to buy a disk mower (I won't explain, it's just a better implement than he has for haying right now).

My sister will be heading to Texas for the winter in about a week, so she's coming out Sunday to have chili with us; that way we all get to bid her goodbye.  The past two years I've been able to visit her while she's down south, but I don't have that kind of funds nowadays.  I'm sure glad I went while I could.

I'm just rambling here, so I'll stop.




  1. It always pays to enjoy what you have when you have it.  I wish I had been wise enough to realize that my funds might not always be as good as they once were.

  2. I love when you ramble!  
    Ramble on! :)


  3. Good morning.....Sorry about the D-17.  Funny how you get attached to things.  I never would see myself attached to a tractor but I would if I lived on farm I suppose.  Now I might be more attached to the cows.  I like cows.  LOL>
    Have fun.

  4. I have always found comfort in hearing the lowing of catle at night. It seems to signal all is well.
    I wish we had a disc mower! We have a sycle bar that breaks when you go around the field once.

  5. We had a pair of D-17 Allis's ... I used to make a joke that "I loved my husband for his tractor!"
