Saturday, June 19, 2004

Time to head home

My suitcase is packed with dirty clothes and keepsakes for family.  I'm eating a cherry turnover for breakfast that I picked up at the Farmer's Market yesterday.  Soon Joanna will be taking me to Dulles to start my journey home, and by noon I should be safely there.  Thank You Lord for friendships made on the Internet and for this wonderful land in which I live.  Another man was beheaded in Iraq yesterday, and that awful news serves to remind me to cherish the freedoms I have, and all the things for which this country stands.

Last night, courtesy of Joanna's boss (Mr. Twit, otherwise known as Bryan) we went to Wolftrap theater and saw "Riverdance".  By the time the enthralling performance ended, I was under the spell of the entire cast... and hopelessly in love with Shawn Beglan, who is probably young enough to be my grandson.  Last night was icing on the cake... a perfect way to end a delightful week.

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