Thursday, March 8, 2007

A visit from the farrier

This is Randy, our farrier, putting shoes on one of the horses that are boarded here.  Adam and Jessica are trying out these plastic (or something like plastic) shoes on both their horses this time.  The farrier had never used them before, so we're all watching with interest to see how they do.

Tude looks pretty laid-back here, doesn't he?  That's because he has to be sedated in order to have shoes put on.  He is rather drunk in this picture, and Jessica is holding his head up.

I had Randy trim Libby's hooves.  She did so-so.  Since I was holding her, I didn't get any pictures.  She did try, once, to kick him with her right hind foot.  I'm hoping she'll improve.  Those who know me know I have a tendency to cut my losses if there's a problem with a horse.  I handle her feet every time I have her out, and have never had a problem.  But of course it doesn't take long for me to pick out her hooves.  The farrier has to spend considerably more time on each foot, and put her in different positions.


  1. It's a horsey pedicure!

  2. I was kicked once  by a pony when I was a kid.

  3. Hee...that picture of Tude makes me laugh.  We used to have to sedate our dog to trim his nails.  He's gotten much more tolerant in his old age...


  4. ALL Baby Horses give the farrier a little bit of a hard time the first couple of times... Good farriers know this AND work with it. Most horses get better... Obviously 'Tude wasn't one of them <LOL> I'm going thru this with my two little ones also. The first time the farrier came I thought the little dark one was going to kill both of us <g>... my excuse was they had only been in my care for less than 2 weeks... and I had only had a catch pen so I could catch them for 2 days. Sheesh! ROFL!

  5. Hey I just wanted to say that you have two very beautiful horses and that one of the greatest pleasures in life is to have a companion you seem very interested in the art of taking care of such an animal and that is great. Well I will go now just wanted to comment on your horses have a great day. Oh yea you should check out my journal sometime when you get a chance! Good-bye!!!!!!

  6. I think that guy is a brave soul. I'd be so afraid to be at the back end of a big horse like that!

  7. You folks are in short sleeved shirts?  Argh!  Nice shots.

  8. Nice entry today!  Linda

  9. Love the photos.  They look so nice and clear on your entry.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  I wish I had a few horses in my back yard.  I would go riding every day.  Hugs,

  10. I wish I could learn to "cut my losses" in all my life!  You are my inspiration.

  11. Don't you love the smell when they are trimming the feet?  I always take some of the stinky hoof home for the dogs to chew on in the backyard.

  12. I think I need some "cut my losses" lessons too, lol! Your horses are beautiful :)

