Thursday, May 4, 2006

Monday Photo Shoot

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Snap some shots of the birds around you. Whether they're out your window or in your house as pets, let's see some pictures of your fine feathered friends. You can take new shots or use old ones -- but try not to use shot you've already used before. Also remember that although it's called the Monday Photo Shoot, you can put up pictures on Tuesday, Wednesday or even Thursday morning and still have them part of the roundup on Thursday afternoon.

OK John, here ya go... barely in time to be included, but you know, I'm playing nurse lately.  I saw this turkey vulture soaring in the sky when I took my walk yesterday.



  1. I love to watch them soar and play with the air currents.

  2. I had a baby cardinal on the fence today and got to watch the father feeding it.  Make for a pleasant first morning sighting. Looks like Cliff is doing wonderful thanks to some excellant help from you and the grandaughters.

  3. This isn't about the bird's about you Mosie...knowing all that you do...about the meds...set your worrying going to make any difference in it all???....just your knowledge of what needs to be taken and when and watching the the key...and yes we "worry" about our men...what what will happen...and what will happen to us...but the Lord is our healer...of emotions and physical well being...He controls our destiny....and we must keep our faith strong in Him...whether we want or care to or are loved Mosie...more than you know....and so is Cliff...and our prayers will keep the Lord informed as to what is happening...sorry I got started here...just want it all to go as before...but that isn't going to the Lord gives us strength to get thru each day....nothing more is required of us...our lives must be as before....with a few more hills to climb..Hugs and God Bless...Ora and Mixon of KY

  4. Oh how beautiful!  I try to get bird shots but loud mouth (Tiny) always barks them day! Barbara

  5. Beautiful picture!

  6. Cool!  I'm usually a bit late for the flight shots!  That's such a big, beautiful sky!

  7. I love watching the buzzards fly around. We have quite a large number of them here.
