Saturday, January 21, 2006

Update on my neighbors whose house burned

My neighbors got their insurance money, so they are excited and ready to start rebuilding soon.  They came out to mess with the horses and turn the kids loose in the country for awhile; it was good to talk to them.

If you didn't read my entry about their fire, read it HERE.


  1. Good for them. I know they will be glad to get in their own home. Helen

  2. I know a great builder! Barbara

  3. Is Buddy still staying with you?  You know, Mandy's boyfriend?   haaaa    Anne

  4. I hadn't read this entry before today. Glad your neighbors got their insurance money. Hope their rebuilding goes fast. Paula

  5. Catching up on your entries tonight.  Glad to hear the neighbors got their money to rebuild.  Can't imagine losing your home to fire.  The ride with Blue was absolutely beautiful.  Thanks for sharing that slice of heaven with us. :)

  6. thanks for the update on the neighbors.  So glad they got the insurance money and that they are excited to begin rebuilding.  
    So nice to see something good come from something so bad.  

  7. Glad to hear they are doing okay, and planning to rebuild soon.  Bet those kids were happy to set foot back on 'home' ground!  Are they going to rebuild on the same property??  Sorry, if you already mentioned that, and I forgot.  I am so forgetful sometimes..


  8. Glad that part is over.  They must be very excited!

  9. so glad that they got the money!
