Thursday, January 5, 2006

this was going to be a sad story...

Yesterday morning when I went to turn Mandy loose, the neighbor's dog, Buddy, wasn't there to greet me.  Usually he hears me, comes stretching and yawning out of the barn, and waits for Mandy to be freed from her pen.  Then the two "kids" run and romp together, celebrating Mandy's freedom.  I didn't think much about his absence until I realized, after noon, that I still hadn't seen Buddy.  His owners must have taken him to their temporary home, in town.

And Mandy got depressed.  She really didn't want in the house; she preferred to lie in the littered area of my yard where she and Buddy wreak destruction on various kids' toys, baskets, bones and styrofoam pieces.  I guess she was waiting for her friend.

The only time I saw her act happy yesterday was when I went for a walk in the pasture, and she accompanied me.  With birds and squirrels to chase, she was her old self.

This morning, again, she was alert and animated on our walk... especially when she saw a fox to pursue!  When she returned to the house after her chase, though, she was sad again.

I hunted up the old frisby I bought when she was a puppy; I'd hoped she'd learn to do tricks with it.  She never took a lot of interest in it, so I put it away months ago.  But today I got it out, thinking my dog needed some playtime.

She did go get it a few times, and appeared to be enjoying herself.  Then she picked up an old chewie, laid down and started to work it over.  If Buddy is around, he keeps after Mandy until he manages to take her chewie away, and she loves that game.  So I played Buddy's part, taking it away from her and tossing it.  Then we did the same with an old bone.  I was trying my best to take Buddy's place.

In the middle of snapping pictures of my unhappy dog, I saw Buddy's owner's pickup go past; they have to come out twice a day to feed the horses.  I waved, and went on with the games... when suddenly a streak of white came running around the house.  It was Buddy!  They brought him back. 

Mandy's happy again, and so am I.  Roxanna said she was going to leave Buddy out here; he'd get in trouble in town.

Life is back to normal.


  1. what a nice ending to the story.... I'm glad she is home too but I bet her owners missed her. They should tell you when they come and pick her up for a day. :)  Sandra

  2. Aww.... what a lil bit of happiness in my day!  :)  Buddy's lookin' alot better lately...not as gaunt as before.  ;-)


  3. as usual i read the title fast and not "accurate".. thought it said this is going to be a sad story.. not this WAS!  geez I am glad it turned out ok..  lol  it sounds like Buddy is yours, or should i say Mandy's?! lol   no breaking up those two! hahaha

  4. Glad Buddy is back for Mandy's sake :)


  5. A love story with a happy ending !  What could be better !!!  Thanks for the smile today !  'On Ya' - ma

  6. Awww...glad the story turned out well.....Mandy will be happy again!!!

  7. whew, I was afraid this was going to turn out like BAMBI. Glad both dogs are alive and well.   Anne

  8. Whew! Glad the Buddymeister is all safe and sound!!!

  9. When one pet is gone the other really grieves about the loss. Glad they brought Buddy back where he belongs. Helen

  10. OHFORCRYINGOUTLOUD......  There goes my eye makeup again.

    I was wondering how Miss Mandy would fare without her cherished friend.  I am so very glad they are back together.

    Yes, welcome home Buddy!!!

  11. Thank goodness! I bet Buddy was mourning also!

  12. It amazes me how our animals have feelings and actually morn. I am so happy Buddy is back for Mandy. I love to see pictures of the dogs playing happily.


  13. I'm glad Buddy is back for Mandy!  I believe dogs need dogs.  Sometimes us humans just don't understand.  LOL
    Missie :)

  14. There are times, I think an animal is almost human... No... maybe almost... No... so explain their emotional behavior if you can?

  15. I love storys with a happy ending.  Great entry!  I'm glad the friends found each other again. Barbara

  16. Your a good neighbor to keep him for them.  I would have been worried sick, seeing as he has kind of become your dog more or less.  From what I am reading, he is already yours, or Mandys anyway...:)

  17. AWWWW....what a sweet story. Glad Ol' Buddy is back on the farm. We met buddy in July. He's a nice 'boy'. LOL. are such a good sport to play fetch with old bones and chewie toys ! Welcome Home Buddy !

  18. They missed each other!  How sad! wonderful that Buddy is back with Mandy and they can play, and wrestle and run, and be together!  Who says Dogs can't be EACH other's best friends, as well as mans??  :)

