Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Winter Wonderland

It's 1:30 in the afternoon, and still only 9 degrees.  You can see the amount of snow we've gotten today, but they say we may end up with six to eight inches.  I'll believe it when I see it.  If it's going to be this cold, I'd just as soon have some pretty snow to look at while we're at it.

My grandson Arick is here with Dixie, my Pit Bull grandpuppy.  She and Mandy have spent a lot of time wrestling, both outside and in.  They're pretty clumsy to be playing inside; they tend to re-arrange furniture as they scuffle around.


  1. I just ran to the store to get some fixins for a big pot of soup tonight. I FROZE my rear end off...I looked at the weather page online and see it is 43 degrees...guess I shouldn't complain intil it is 9 degrees???

  2. I find it amazing at how the dogs can and will play so hard when it is so cold. Stay warm hun. Be careful going outto the horses.

  3. here in Montana we have about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and at 2:00 pm it is 7 degrees.

    pretty picture :)


  4. Mo, So far we have around 5" here in Overland Park. It is cold and I have been doing errands all day. Now, it's time to sit back and drink my hot chocolate and relax.  Oh, I made your 5 cup salad for our dessert tonight.   ANNE

  5. Now that is one cold day burrr. Cute doggie photos. Be careful going out and tending to those horses. Bet a person would slide around on that frozen ground. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Especially those of us in the south snow is a big thing. Helen

  6. Stay warm, the cold is awful, and the funny thing is, I actually like the cold. I'm such a whiner.

  7. It is really frigid out there! I enjoyed my walk with my dog, Nikki, but I had to bundle up! I looked like I was going to Antarctica! LOL the dogs look mischievous-thanx for sharing~

  8. YOu call that snow?  lol  I can't believe they cancelled school already.  They always make us wait till the last minute.  I swear parents are in charge of wether or not they go.  

  9. BRRRRRR....<shiver> snow!  Love the colder weather, and I love to look at the snow pictures... but I don't really like the idea of living in it!

    The dogs are too cute together!  I liked the blurry one at the end too.  It reminds me of the spirit dogs playing...

