Friday, December 2, 2005

Robin's 5er


1.  Where is the furthest you have traveled for Christmas and will you be traveling this year?  We traveled to Georgia one year to visit our son and his family, four or five years ago... our first visit there, I think.  No traveling this year.

2.  Do you celebrate any other holiday this month? Kwanza? Chanukah? Festivus?  None unless you count New Year's Eve, when we stay up with the granddaughters and throw confetti.

3. Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list and why do you think they are so hard to buy for?  We no longer buy for anyone but grandchildren.  The teenagers are hard to buy for, so they get gift cards.  Now that I'm not working, it won't be very pricey gift cards, either.

4. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?  Probably 8  Extra credit if you have a picture of you with Santa!  This is me and my nephew, Larry with Santa

5. Fill in the blank;   For me Christmas just wouldn't be the same without _____?     Children!

Want to play along?  Find the quiz HERE and leave your link there.


  1. great picture!!


  2. Lovely picture. Helen

  3. I am so loving that coat you have on!!!! Wonderful picture!

    Thanks for playing.

  4. Hey! I had the same hairdo when i was young like that!!  We coulda been sisters! lol lol

  5. Awwwwwwwww  ....  darn Mosie!  You were one cute girl!!!  I can still the resemblance!  You have that beautiful smile that lights up any picture you are in!

    I love when you share pictures!  Old ones, new ones.... but those older ones are just awesome!  Anytime you want to share more, do it!!  :)

