Monday, May 2, 2005

Your Monday Photo Shoot

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Significant Others:

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Take a picture of your significant other, or show off a picture of your significant other that you particularly like.  "If you are currently between significant others (hey, it happens), you can use a picture of a former significant other, or a picture of a really good friend, since really good friends, in their way, are just as important as a significant other.

Why this photo assignment? Well, you know. Significant Others are cool."


Cliff lost a good job back around 1989.  He was working for R. B. Rice, and they moved to Tennessee.  He was pushing 50, and jobs were scarce.  He made do with one thing and another, and drew some unemployment.  But he also went to school two nights a week and studied for his G.E.D.

Cliff made it to his junior year before dropping out, and it was one of his greatest regrets.  His parents had moved often, so of course he fell behind in school.  Math was like greek to him.

When he tested at the GED school, the teacher told him, "You won't be with us long."

He was right.

It was fun to see Cliff anticipate his classes.  He was learning quickly, and finally starting to understand math, for the first time in his life.  He was actually disappointed when school was done, and it was time to take the test.

Even though he thought he did well on the test, he was quite relieved the day I collected the mail and found the envelope that would tell him whether he had passed, or would go back to school.  I'm sure you can tell by his smile... he passed with flying colors.  After I took the picture, he went back to making a pen for my brood sow.

P.S.  Obviously, Cliff was on a weight-losing binge.  Look how loose those overalls are! 



  1. I really admide Cliff! That was a wonderful thing he did!  Anne

  2. You got a winner there but I was surprised you didn't get a picture of Cliff with Blue lol.

  3. What an accomplishment!


    ps:He's a handsome fella!

  4. what an accomplishment!  you both must be proud.  :-)


  5. That's a memory photo!  Way to go Cliff.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. He looks great! Maybe when he "retires" he should consider college? :-) That is my plan...I want to go back and finish.

  7. What a great story to go along with a wonderful picture. My daughter is studying in the GED program and I hope to have a picture like this soon!
