Monday, May 16, 2005

things are going better

We decided on a different pen for Crook, the old guy.  It seperates him from the other two horses, but he gets to be with them when we ride.  And he can see them and whinny at them at all times.  He's been without horse companions for ten years, so he ought to adjust all right.

Tonight the neighbor kids met me at the pasture gate, informing me that four of them wanted to ride Blue.  I got them started on him, with our renter, Vicki, keeping an eye on things (two of the riders were her kids anyhow) and then fetched Crook up, brushed him well, and saddled him.  He's a bumpy ride for someone used to a gaited horse, but he'll do OK for me to ride alongside one kid or another while I keep an eye on them; I imagine I'll mostly be walking him.  He gave me no problem at all.  If he lasts two years, I'll get my money's worth.  I ended up paying $375 for him and a saddle, after some dickering back and forth.


  1. Is Blue OK riding along side it sounds like it is.  One question--Can't the kids ride Crook or don't you trust him with the kids?

  2. I'm so glad he is going to work out. I got worried. He looks like he should be named "spot" to me.   Anne

  3. LOL, I just read the comment before me & was wondering the same thing.  Glad you have got them settled down. Helen

  4. I'm telling you, you should start charging for lessons!  ROFL  Glad it went ok!
