Saturday, May 21, 2005

a weekend alone

Cliff left early yesterday morning for southern Kansas, along with his older brother Phil.  They're helping their brother, Don, put up the building he's going to be using as a shop.  Rattling around here alone feels rather strange, but I'm getting by.

I'd been craving waffles for breakfast for awhile, but Cliff is dieting, and I didn't want to tempt him.  So the minute he left, out came the waffle iron.  I even had sausage.

Mandy and I spent the evening and most of last night at the cabin.  I had a campfire that lasted until bedtime, and slept quite well until 3 AM.  Then I started thinking how nice a horseback ride would be at sunup; so I came back to the house, turned the horses out to grass (I hate to ride a hungry horse) and made coffee.  Sunrise, according to information I googled, is at 6:01.  That means I need to be on the horse and headed out before that.  I'll take my camera along, of course. 

When Cliff returns, he'll have with him a big round baler that Don found at a farm sale for $400.  It isn't working just now,  but I'm sure Cliff can get it fixed.  I'm pleased about this purchase, because at his age, my husband doesn't need to be lifting and lugging the small square bales of hay we've always put up for the livestock.   With big round bales, all the lifting is done with a tractor.

Wish me "happy trails"!  I'll soon be heading toward the river on Blue.


  1. I have been reading your journal for awhile and love it!
    Found your link in JT's Richard's Bend/Ruth's Store journal
    where you were talking about getting your own cabin.
    I am your age and also love horses but am afraid of them.
    Have not been on one for 15 years.
    My hope is my perfect horse is waiting in heaven for me. :)
    A lovely horse that will NOT try to bite or kick or wildly run away
    while I am on top of it (which has happened).
    Nor rear up and fall over on me (which never happened to me).
    I gasp in shock the day I read about your daughters horse
    falling on you. :(
    I will be Praying for you this morning
    that you *stay safe* on
    your Sunrise ride with Blue.
    Since you are there *Alone* who will come looking for you if
    something should happen?
    Will be waiting for your Sunrise pictures
    and will then know
    you are safely home. :)
    Karla ~ Vancouver WA state

  2. Hope you and Blue have a nice ride and I'm looking forward to seeing some good pictures. It going to be a beauriful day here today now the storming has passed on it's way last night. Helen

  3. my husband just left for the air show at Selfridge air force base in michigan.  the blue angels are there.  i decided to mess aroundon the computer for a bit and saw your site, saying children and grandchildren, which are very important to me.  and then read you have horses, I AM SO JEALOUS.  i love horses. watching the sunrise while riding a horse, just has to be the best! we live on 10 acres in michigan and i would love to own a horse but i just think i am to old to start all that, so i just live through others and i am happy with our two aussie dogs, douglas and megan.
     i would love to hear more about your life in Kansas.  lucy

  4. Sounds like you are making the best of your weekend.  Waffles sound good.  Getting up at 3 doesn't.  LOL!  Enjoy your ride.  

  5. Waiting for sunrise pictures. What a wonderful morning for you.

  6. Seems like your lonely weekend should be pretty good! Happy trails!! rich
