Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm not on line as much as I used to be.  For one thing, I decided if I'm going to be at home all day (more on that another time) I'm turning off the computer when Cliff wakes up, and leaving it off until he goes to work.  And I mean turning it COMPLETELY off; otherwise, I'll just check my email as I go past, or surf for something I'm wondering about... and before you know it, I've spent three hours of my day online.  I still have plenty of computer time from 2:30 PM( when Cliff leaves) until bedtime... unless, like last night, I go back to the cabin at 5 PM!

I spent last night in the cabin with Mandy, and came back to the house at 5 AM for my coffee.  I spent lots of time oiling the old saddle I got with Crook, then saddle-soaped it.  Later, I groomed old Crook, and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.  Then I went for a long ride on Blue.  When I got back, Cliff and the twins were baling hay, and before long,  Arick came to help.  His girl friend, Michelle, arrived shortly afterward; she seemed disappointed at my new computer rules, but found some games to play until I accessed the Internet at 3 PM.  Although the skies threatened off and on all day, no rain fell, and our hay is safely in the barn.

Arick and his friend Matt are now saddling up Crook and Blue... do they like to ride in the dark?  I threatened them with death if anyone mistreats my horses; it's like sending a daughter out on her first date, turning people loose on my horses.


  1. I hear ya MO... That horse is special to you and I am not sure they know how much he means to you. Lay down the rules!

  2. If they act up, or break the rules, make them ride Buddy!  ROFL, that'll teach 'em!

  3. It is habit formng isn't it?!!!
    Did you enjoy your night at the cabin?
    How's your legs, are they better?

  4. Probably a good idea about the computer. I should do that too. But I probably won't. LOL

  5. I was worried.  Glad nothing is wrong.  I understand about the computer.  When I discover a new game, it seems to call me from where I am in the house.  "Come play me" and there goes 3 hours.

  6. Our loss is your gain.  Miss you but completely understand.  My rule is:  God first, Husband second, everyone and everything else third including me.

  7. LOL I agree with Rachael! HUn you are doing what we all should do. So in closing, I am going to go run the vacuum and carpet cleaner.

  8. Aww.. thats great you love your horses so much! They are so beautiful!
    PS> thanks for the invite.. maybe one day if I can get my health better.. I appreciated it ! :) You are so sweet! :)

  9. Sometimes it feels good to make those rules for ourselves doesn't it.  WE have those threatening skies tonight!  And it IS bringing rain and storms too.  Severe ones it looks like, not too far from us.  YIKES>
    You would LOVE it.  I don't.
