Friday, May 6, 2005

A night in my cabin

Last night Cliff called from work to see if I'd rounded up the cows and calves (I had) and I informed him I wouldn't be in bed when he arrived home.  I was going to spend a night in my cabin for the first time.

I ended up making three trips back there, and it's about 1/4 mile one way.  First, I realized I didn't have matches for a campfire.  Then I got to thinking how nice it would be to strum my guitar and sing in the woods.  So I had to fetch my guitar.  Oh, and since Mandy has always figured into my cabin plans, I had to find her, and she was nowhere in evidence until my third trip back to the house.

Finally I was ready.  Mandy loves the cabin, and if I go inside, she's happy to go with me.  She'll go under the bed, or, if invited, will join me on the bed.  One of the reasons I wanted a cabin was that I wanted to let Mandy sleep with me.  No dog will ever sleep in Cliff's bed.

I found plenty of dry wood and soon had a wonderful fire going in front of the cabin; Mandy didn't like the way it popped and snapped, so she stayed back.  When the fire was pretty much out, my dog and I went inside, I spread my sleeping bag open on the bed (a piece of plywood Cliff built into a wall) and invited Mandy to join me; she did, gladly.

At one point, you could hear some creature moving about nearby, and Mandy got up, went to the end of the bed, and watched out the window for the longest time.  She doesn't like to bark, so all she did was watch whatever it was, silently.

I didn't sleep a lot, but I was determined to spend the full night there.  My bones are too old to sleep on a piece of plywood, so I wasn't all that comfortable.  And it got pretty darned cold, even though I was zipped into a sleeping bag.  Mandy stayed right by my side and slept well, all night long.  When I went outside to answer nature's call, she stayed there on the bed.

My first sign that dawn was approaching was the sound of Marvin's roosters crowing in the distance.  I figured it must be about 4 AM.  I had no time-piece.  Finally, I heard the birds in the woods waking and chirping.  Once it was daylight, I headed home.  I needed coffee, and we haven't taken my little propane stove back to the cabin yet.

Today we went to Wal-Mart, where I got a full-size air mattress.  As soon as Cliff went to work, I took it back to the cabin, aired it up with the hand-pump, and lay down to try it out.  I awoke an hour later, quite refreshed. 

I do believe this cabin idea is working out.  I can hardly wait to spend a stormy night back there, listening to thunder and rain.  I'll get Cliff to spend a night in the cabin with me soon; I've promised him Mandy will sleep under the bed when he's there.

I guess I'll never grow up.


  1. Sounds like "heaven" to me !!

  2. Oh my goodness Mo. You are living everyones dream. How wonderful. Well at least one of my dreams anyway...

  3. YOU are so lucky. It's your home away from home, so you don't really have to "run away" from home, so to speak! Glad Mandy likes it there too. She will be a good companion and protect you.  Anne

  4. Wow that was a great entry....good writing....I pictured it as if I was right there.  I am so glad you are enjoying your cabin.  Great idea on that mattress.

  5. When you get electricty, to have the computer, and have a real bathroom I am sure Amber might want to join you.............roflmao

  6. Don't....grow up that is.  I wish I hadn't.  You are blessed to have people around you that appreciate whatever age you choose to be.

  7. I bet you had a real good time up there! It must be so nice to have a place to go to have some peace and quiet!
    Take care ,

  8.     Oh ... lucky you ... that's what keeps us young ... doing something "foolish" just because it makes us happy. How wonderful to have your own "play-house"!  I moved into my piece of heaven several years ago .... it is somewhat the same thought ....

  9. I think it's very obvious where we have to have the next "Demons" cast party!  An all-nighter?  A keg?  LOL    Russ

  10. Heck no, don't grow up. Paula

  11. The air mattress was a GREAT idea!

  12. LOL I was going to tell you to get an air mattress! It sounds like a good time. Mandy will soon learn what to watch for and what not. I am glad she is not a barker!
