Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Happy Birthday To Blue

I had a knock on the door this evening:  Two kids wanted to ride Blue (Anna and Tyler).  I was terribly tired from working today, but who can resist those smiles, and those pleading eyes?  So I saddled up old faithful Blue and stood watching as he plodded along, or picked up speed to find his gait when Anna asked him.  I'm so glad I have a horse I can share with the neighborhood children.  Tyler asked, "How old is Blue?", so I told him I'd check his registration papers and see.  That's when I found out Blue will be eleven years old next Sunday.  What can you get a horse who has everything?

This amazing animal is one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I know God brought us together.  He's the horse I dreamed about as a little girl.  He has the patience of Job, the heart of Seabiscuit, and the stamina of an elephant.

Thank You, God.  And happy birthday, Blue... the horse of my dreams.


  1. Blue and I share a birthday! Mine is Sunday also! I will be 46. Just a bit older than Blue.

  2. Happy Birthday to Blue!!!!

  3. Sounds to me like Blue has the life of Riley!  

    How wonderful that you feel that way about him and share it.  

    I'll think about this tomorrow when my day seems old and long and smile-thanks :) Jeff

  4. Happy Birthday BLUE !!! I love how you love your horses! I love my puppies the same way.
    I believe GOD does send us 'comforters" in  our lives!
    Take care And God bless you....and BLUE !

  5. What a sweet tribute to this gift from God.  :o)

    Happy birthday Blue.

    Aunty Bnana

  6. Happy birthday Blue....I'm enjoying reading of your adventures.  
