Monday, May 2, 2005

I was going to bed early, but...

I went out to put my dog, Mandy, in her pen for the night, when the three little waifs from next door came running up to me.  "Can we ride tonight," Anna said, "or are you too tired?"

What can you say?  That little girl loves horses.  I remember the feeling.  And Blue is such a wonderful, patient teacher.  I can see Anna developing confidence with every ride.

When she was done, I put the halter on Blue and had her lead him around with her sister, Mariah, on board.  She had a problem with my horse wanting to eat grass, so I took over when it was Spencer's turn, and did the leading myself.

I told her to ask her mom to buy her a riding helmet:  her head is much too small for the helmet I bought for the grandchildren.

And by the way, her parents have bought her a Tennessee Walker from the guy in town.  But he's only three years old, and it will be awhile before he's ready for her.  So I guess Blue can be done teaching her to ride by the time her horse gets here.


  1. You are such a good person Donna, bless you!  (Those girls had a blast!)

  2. You're so cool.

  3. You're such a good person Donna to take the time for those children. This is something none of them will ever forget. Children don't forget the good or the bad thing a person does for them you know.  You are making them some beautiful memories. Helen

  4. You are wonderful :-)

    Loved the photos too...the 3rd one...oh, gorgeous!


  5. That was such a nice thing you did! God will bless you!

  6. So nice of you to let them ride.  I know they appreciate it and have a good time.

  7. You are one cool neighbor lady.
