Monday, May 23, 2005

Our new farm implement

This is Cliff's $400 round baler.  It works all right except that the twine doesn't tie when it's supposed to.  I'm sure Cliff can get it working, and this will save him a lot of lifting and tugging during the hot summer weather.  Of course, in order to see if he has it tying right as he works on it, he'll need some hay to bale; so he went out and mowed the small pasture.  We have a little banking to do in the morning, and then he'll choose from the half-dozen things around here that are demanding his attention... and then go to work at 2:30!  Summers around here demand a lot of him.  The things he does around home, though, are enjoyable to him. 



  1. very interesting, Lovely photos
    ~ Julie~

  2. hee hee...I just love that picture of him on the tractor in the middle of the field... reminds me when I was a kid living next to a big field.....we used to play hide and seek in it....  :)


  3. Well, at least you know he's not gonna "bale" out on you!! LOL  rich

  4. Hi...I love this pic of Cliff on the tractor on the farm!  So pretty out there!

  5. Oh man....baling hay brings back so many hot, sticky, itchy memories for me.  Not to mention the sudden appearance of bull snakes!  I don't miss that at all.

