Monday, May 9, 2005

I have a confession to make

I have never been Catholic.  In fact, until I was twelve years old and we moved to Kansas City, I never even MET a Catholic. 

When I go to bed, I turn on the TV, and that gets me snoozing.

Lately, I've been going to sleep listening to nuns saying the Rosary.  It's the best sleeping pill I've found!

There's this Catholic channel on Direct TV, EWTN.  As I understand, some little old lady nun started this TV network on a shoestring budget, and it's grown like Topsy.

I already knew the Lord's Prayer, although Catholics leave off the part that says, "for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever".  I've learned the Hail Mary, since it's so short.  I'm gradually learning the Apostle's Creed (the church I attend now says it every Sunday anyhow). But my favorite part of the Rosary is this: 

"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of your mercy."

My daughter says I'm going to wake up Catholic some morning.  I don't think so.  There's just something SO soothing about all those female voices praying.



  1. I'm a lifelong Protestant who was given a rosary by one of my best friends who is Catholic, and I frequently pray the rosary.  I find it comforting, meditative, and conducive to a different kind of prayer afterwards, sort of an altered mind state of prayer.  I love it. I recommend buying one.  Rolling the beads adds to the prayers.

  2. LOL - Ryan says all the voices sound creepy!  Alex loves to listen to it though...


  3. And now you're memorizing them.  Yup, any day now.  Please, if you turn Catholic, don't travel to stained bridges or pray to grilled cheese sandwiches, ok?

  4. I am not Catholic either but I WATCH THAT SAME CHANNEL at is very soothing ....small world....


  5. A friend of mine says: Hail Mary, Full of grace, Hope I'm in the right place."  She's a 70-something bookseller, and has been selling rosary beads to us godless liberal protestants for years. I agree, it's a good meditation.

  6. I have 4 sets of beads...a set I received at my first communion, a set my great aunt gave me at my confirmation, a set a friend sent me that had water for Lourdes sealed inside it, and a set I bought that are made of amethyst, just because they were so beautiful. I used to have a tiger's eye set too, but those have been missing for many years. Oh! My first communion set glow in the dark! I always thought that was the coolest thing ever as a kid. I would leave them on my window sill all day to "charge up" and they would be bright enough at night to read by.  Gosh, I haven't thought about the rosary in many years. It IS very soothing.

  7. I've actually fallen asleep to those nuns myself!  But I keep the sound off -- so there's no danger of sbliminal conversion.  I just like very boring TV programs with no quick camera moves as I try to drift off.  Try one of the shopping channels where you can watch loose gems sparkle and slowly spin in a spotlight.

  8. Several years ago I bought a CD called "Chant'.  It a recording of music recorded by monks in their chapel.  It's also very soothing and at the time, if I remember correctly, it was a big seller.

  9. I'm not Catholic either- but I love listening to Mother Angelica !

  10. It wouldn't be so bad if you became Catholic!  As a matter of fact it would be a great thing.  Check out this link:
    It is called Catholic Answers.  Check out the links on the left hand of the page where it says "Library".  There will be some good references and Bible verses on those pages to explain some things to you.  I am sure EWTN has some good things on their site too!  
    Glad I could stop by your journal.  If you would like to see mine it is at
