Thursday, May 26, 2005

Yes, it WAS a good day!

I rode for a couple of hours this morning, and it was so cool, Blue barely broke a sweat.  Cliff got everything done he had planned, before time to go to work.  As I expected, neighbor kids were hanging around, but they are wonderful help for Cliff (close supervision is required when they're operating tractors).  Four were here for lunch, although all they had was bologna sandwiches. 

Cliff and I were worried for a few hours.  The two mother cows were up near the house, and only one of the twin calves was with them.  I went back to check after they wandered out into the pasture, though, and there were both girls.  I believe Auntie will have her baby within a week.

My daughter and her husband are officially home-owners now, and residents of the town in which my daughter swore she'd never choose to live!  But we all know it's a woman's right to change her mind.


  1. Glad you had such a good day. I must be wonderful to own horses and to be able to ride whenever.  Yes, it is our right to change our minds lol

  2. Way to go Tyler!  That's *SO* hard to do.  I can back 'most any tractor, but that hay wagon gets the best of me every time!  I cuss and hollar until dad takes over and backs it for me.  How shameful :(

  3. Hey, Rachel...look again at the trailer. He isn't backing that gawd-awful wagon that simply cannot be backed in by anyone but dad. He did obviously do a fine job, but if that kid can back the damn stupid wagon in, I'll not bad mouth him ever again!

    It looks like there was plenty of help on hand to put up the hay, and that is always a good thing.

  4. OK, I feel better now, but reading my post again, I said I could back almost any "tractor".  WTH?  Who can't?  LOL  I meant "trailer" as I'm sure everyone guessed, but my mind must be elsewhere.  

  5. So glad about the hay! I know you are happy to have family nearby. I am so glad!

  6. LOL Congrats to your daughter. It's funny how we end up compromising for a first home. I am living in a place that I NEVER would have picked (the husband found it) but we couldn't beat the price.

  7. FINALLY! I got to see how hay is baled into those pretty small bales!!! Thanks Mosie for sharing those!

  8. Congrats to Rachel on her new home!!  New homes are always exciting.  Mosie, thanks again for the wonderful pics.  I like to start off my day looking at your journal.  Keeps me centered.  :o)



  9. What a great hay baler...wish you lived closer and I could buy my hay from you to feed my horse Miss Gracie......I adore your Big RED Barn, did you build it yourselves? I know we aren't supposed to envy others or things but I think you your have a Wonderful Life....


  10. Sounds like a good day on the farm.  Even this city gal likes bologna sandwiches.  
