Sunday, May 8, 2005

just for your information...

After Anna and I had our exciting ride, Tyler decided it was time for him to try this horseback riding thing.

And for your information:  I won't be riding my daughter's horse again; I'll leave his training to her.  Hopefully that old Appaloosa up the road will work as a second riding horse for me.


  1. Looking forward to a picture of the new guy...  :)  (and still so glad you weren't hurt <worse>.....I laughed at your sons' comment though....I would have freaked out, too...hee hee....)

    A hot bath would probably feel good tonight, huh?!


  2. I bet that did scare the dumplings out of Cliff not to mention you. Glad you didn't break any bones with that fall. Maybe you need to start wearing a helmet also. Helen

  3. You have such an interesting journal.  It fills me with the 'I wish I coulds'.  I love watching horses.  They are such magnificent animals.  I never ridden because I don't have ankle action on the right foot, but that doesn't mean that I haven't always wanted to try.  It's hard to believe that you're 60.  40 woul have been more my guess.  Thank you for stopping by my journal.  I enjoy making new friends.  Pennie
