Monday, May 9, 2005

school bus wreck

This happened about thirty-five miles from my home, in the city where my husband works.  I can only imagine how horrifying this was for elementary school students.


  1. This has been heavy on my mind all day.  My girls don't ride the bus right now, but there are days that I am grumpy with them in the morning, and that bus held some kids who are now in critical condition.  Life is short, and you never know when it's going to end.  I hope everyone keeps those families in their prayers and thoughts.  

  2. YES, in my opinion buses should have seat belts. I believe a lot of injuries could be prevented when a bus is in a wreck. Helen

  3. I am very STRONGLY opposed to seat belts in buses.  I used to drive a bus for a day care, and if that bus were to wreck and catch fire, I would have to unbuckle all of those kids *AND* help them to an emergency exit?  Nope, sorry.  The high padded seats offer a great deal of protection, and enables children without disabling injuries to make it out to safety.  Don't strap my kids into a bus.

  4. I saw this on CNN today at Vittles.  I coudn't hear where it was.  Now I know.
