Thursday, May 5, 2005

a special ride with Anna

Twelve-year-old Anna, the little girl next door, knocked at my door and asked if I'd ride Buddy-Brat (my daughter's Arabian) while she rode Blue.  I told her as soon as the horses had their two hours on grass, I'd try; but I wasn't promising anything.

Just getting a saddle on Buddy is sometimes a challenge.  And getting aboard is often difficult, as it was today.

"I'm old, I break easily," I told Buddy.

However, once I was on him, he was surprisingly good.  Oh, he did some head-tossing, and tried to go faster than I like.  But I was able to keep him in check.  Anna and I rode on her parent's property, then went back in my pasture.  We went down into the deepest cavern, and back up, and out.  When I came inside, we'd been riding over an hour.  And Anna had the BIGGEST smile on her face you've ever seen.

I think that girl is a natural horse-woman.



  1. ::chanting loudly while dancing::  MOM RODE THE BRAT, MOM RODE THE BRAT, MOM ROAD THE BRA-AT!  I TOLD you that he was doing much better!  Did he run up the hill?  All the way?

  2. I've probably mentioned this movie before --- but "Something to Talk About" has this great little girl character who was a natural with horses.  I'll never mention it again, okay?  LOL   Russ

  3. Donna, your little neighbor girl has a SUPER neighbor and mentor, in you.  Isn't God just SO good ??  Have a great day, gal !  Sue

  4. You have a friend to ride with now!. Maybe she will be able to handle Brat/Buddy soon.
