Friday, May 13, 2005

the disappearing twins

At ten days old, the twins appear to be doing fine now.  Cliff will be mowing that tall pasture-grass for hay before long, but as it is, calves can be completely hidden unless you're really close to them.  We'd seen the two grown cows today, but I had not seen both calves together since yesterday, and I get nervous if I don't see them daily.  The cows are spending most of their time in the small pen up close to the house, so I decided to search there first.  I figured I'd walk from one end to the other, starting at the back side and moving nearer the house with each pass.  As luck would have it, I found them the first pass, and this was after Cliff had stomped around out there in vain for quite a while.

I've been a little under the weather this week:  Folks, I'm sixty, and getting body-slammed by a horse and then having him fall backwards on me with all the force of his 800 pounds has slowed me down.  The Flylady's e-mails have been deleted as fast as they arrive, this week.

I'm sure things will be looking up soon.  If I feel up to it tomorrow, I'm going to go ride that old Appy up the road and see if I think he'll meet our needs as a kiddie horse.


  1. yikes - I hope you bounce back quickly.  I'll keep you in my thoughts...



  2. You better be taking it easy there, girlfriend!!!!!  You know I worry about you.  Get to feeling better - tomorrow  :o)



  3. The horse incident sounds very unpleasant to say the least!  That Fly Lady can be very pushy too.  Love the school picture.  Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Glad you found the twins. Makes me remember once when I hunted all over a pasture that had tall grass finally ending up close to where I started out. If I had used my head I would have known. We had a horse that loved & watched out for the baby calves. It was lying close to where the horse was grazing. The mama had wandered off a good ways. He would absolutely go wild if a person came near a new calf. Helen

  5. Hope you are up and around soon - I KNOW that's gotta hurt!  Glad to see you still have a sense of humor after that ride.  Blessings, Penny

  6. Glad you found the babies! I knew today would be a bad day. I have found the 3rd day is the worse!

  7. Fly lady being deleted at my house too.  Now I'm going back to your journal to look at the pics.  Have a nice evening.

  8. Oh my word! Those bruises are awful. I'm surprised you were/are able to walk after that. But...I'm glad you are okay. Your son is my age and by the looks of it we may have been in the Army at the same time. I hope you heal quickly and continue to share such great pics. I love looking at your pics, especially the older ones. :-) ---Robbie
