Sunday, May 8, 2005

a new experience

You'd never know by looking at this photo of me and Anna, but not one minute after Cliff took the picture, Brat threw me.  Or, should I say he reared and fell on me.  Cliff almost had a heart attack, but I'm fine.  It knocked the wind out of me, bruised a leg, and busted my lip... but I'm fine, and now I can say I know what it feels like to be unloaded from a horse.  Yes, I did get back on (that's how cowboys do it, and it's what my daughter-in-law did when Blue bucked her off.  Now the laugh's on me, Deb!). 

Here's the picture Cliff took after the big event.  If I look happy and confident, trust me... I'm not.  But you HAVE to get back on the horse that throws you!


  1. :-O  oh my gosh!!!!  that really does make me realize horses may not be for me.  I don't think I could get back on....  SO GLAD you are doing ok... hope you stay feeling ok later on tonight/tomorrow, though...


  2. Mo, so glad you are not hurt and admire your courage to get back on right away.  I think I'd have a hard time getting on for the first time at this stage in my life.  The last time I tried getting on a horse was many years ago while visiting one of my first husband's relatives.  I was so scared, I wet myself and got right off that horse and haven't been on one since.  Take care when you're riding Brat, but make sure he knows you're the boss.  God bless.........Love, Sam

  3. I read "busted my hip" rather than "lip" and about freaked out.

  4. Holy CRAP mother!  Sorry 'bout that.  Please forgive him, he's just a baby.  OK, ok, he's a first-class brat, but I love him anyway.

  5. Wow, I'm glad you are alright! And, yeah for you for getting right back on! Your right about it being the best thing to do if possible. That being said...

    I've always been told that there are two kinds of riders.... those that have been thrown, and those about to be! I'm going to give you the advice I was given when I rode my first horse that had a tendency to rear... When he rears, stand up in the stirrups and kiss him between the ears... basically, what they are saying is to keep yourself aligned along the horse so he can keep his balance --believe it or not, their balance isn't so great when they do that (especially if they don't do it ofen), and if you lean back or to one side you can pull them off balance and right down on you!

  6. You are living proof, YOU can't keep a good cowgirl down!  Girl, we need you out west!  Anne

  7. Im so glad your ok... when i first started reading this entry i got that funny feeling in my gut, cause i know how it feels to  get bucked , after all the reading about him im  afraid i wont try him out when we come but im very sure i will love the new addition and of course offense to racheal i know you love your buddy but im getting a little old to fall down next time i might have to have something put back in place lol    

  8. so sorry i spelled rachels name wrong in that last post.

  9. You know I have been saying to Danny.."mosie rides horses; how does she do it??? And were bucked off.......I am so glad that you are ok! PLease tell me your secret of being able to climb on a horse and ride it !
    HAppy MOM,S DAY !!!

  10. I remember the first time I ever got hurt by being throw (I actually fell off because the saddle slipped).  I had been thrown and fallen off at least 4 times before that but never been hurt.  I broke 2 ribs and it hurt to breath.  It took me a full year of riding again before I lost my legs shaking everytime I got on.  I hated that they would just shake and I had no control of it.  It would happen no matter if I thought I was nervous or not. FINALLY it stopped! Glad your leaving the young boy to your daughter.

  11. Oh my goodness, what a scare. Thanks be that you are alright. Hope you had a great day even though that happened.


  12. Holy crap! Glad you weren't seriously hurt...those animals are big and heavy.

  13. Now THAT worries me.  I could just feel my bones turning to powder as I landed on my butt.  Yikes.....take it easy Mosie and thank God you weren't seriously hurt.



  14. I too read hip instead of lip. Had to go back and read it over again. Mo I thought you were changing his name from Brat to something else? Oh well I guess he is living up to his name. Glad you are ok. You might be feeling some more pain today though. It takes a few days.

  15. I bet you are a bit sore today! I remeber that I was worried because I could not get back on Precious after she threw me. I did get back on first chance I got. Anybody looking would of had a heart attack! Walking out to her using my walker and being boosted up on herwas a real experience. It took 4 people to get me on her! I was scared and hurting but I was told that I had the biggest smile on my face.

  16. Way to go!! rich

  17. Where is the horse whisperer when you need him?  Did you read that book????
    It was really good.  

  18. glad you got back on!!! your right, that is most important!!

    my Father always said get back on ASAP. you can see about your injuries later....Geesh, back when I was a kid it made sense now that Im older Im sure my Father is a hard *ss. But I learn alot from him.

    Where is Brat now?
