Saturday, May 14, 2005

Here's the old man

No, he isn't beautiful.  He's twenty-two years old, and his name is Crook.  But he let my grandson ride him on his first day here, after taking an awful beating from Blue (horses have pecking order).  His feet have been let go something awful, and I'm sure he hasn't been wormed in years.  I think he'll do OK here, although we may have to keep him away from Blue.


  1. Aww...he looks like a love!  :)


  2. Poor Crook!  You tell Blue to be nice, the big bully.  No, really, it amazes me how horses interact with people so differently than they interact with other horses.  Blue is *such* a big baby, but he rules the pasture, that's for sure.

  3. I can see his feet need work but am sure glad he has a happy home to go to and didn't end up at auction.  Blue will get use to him he just is letting him know that this is Blue's home first.

  4. He looks sweet, and I'm sure he and Blue will work it out. We have about 10 horses/ponies in the main pasture where I board Boo (He has a private pasture though), and everytime we get a new boarder we go thru the whole pecking order thing. We have this one mare who is -really- aggressive, but it always seems to work itself out. I think it's O.K. here cause everyone comes into the stalls to eat, so there is no real competition for food, only for the round hay bale, and most of the horses learn who gets first dibs <g>

    He looks like he will make a nice addition to your growing herd <LOL>

  5.     Where do you buy your horses?  I used to go to horse auctions ... and would find a lot of "diamonds-in-the-rough" like Crook.   Sounds like you are finding some good'uns.

  6. Seems like this old man has found a good home. My son-in-law just took in two old horses just to give them a home. Paula

  7. So glad he has a good home xx

  8. Poor old man. I can't wait until you get him in good shape to see another picture of him when  he's got confidence in himself. He will soon be a happy horse. Hope Blue soon settles down toward him. Helen

  9. Bless his heart.  He doesn't look like a Crook.  So do horses have pecking order, just like dogs?  Blue has to be the Alpha?  
