Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Somebody's stalking me!

Over at my Blogger journal, I have Sitemeter installed.  It's free, and gives me some idea of how long my readers stay at my blog, how many pages they read, and (sometimes) their approximate location.  It's almost addictive, checking Sitemeter and seeing who's reading me.

So lately, I noticed somebody from Topeka, Kansas, on Sprint DSL, was spending an unnatural amount of time on my blog.  At first it was flattering; then I started to worry.  Because this person was literally spending HOURS on my blog every day.  Hmmm.

Checking their outclicks and such, it finally hit me today.  Good old Sprint DSL has re-assigned little old me to Topeka, Kansas.

That's right.  My stalker was me.

I don't know whether I'm disappointed or relieved.

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  1. As in hee hee!

  2. I think this all folds into your "neighbors-too-close" syndrome.  
    I can't imagine worrying about who's reading my journal.  I write it for myself, if my life is that bloody interesting to someone to spend hours (as if it was somebody else instead of you) reading, then go right ahead!  
    That's why I am writing a book, I want people to spend hours with my words!
    And I don't care who it is!

    That's bloody funny, though, stalking yourself!

  3. ROFL!  Watch your back, Donna!  lol


  4. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaa.....I choked on my soda laughing at that....


  5. That is the greatest.  Oh, how I wish I had a stalker.  I guess, if I need the attention, that I could stalk myself, but I haven't the time.  Can you stalk me, please?

  6. lol..you crack me up..that is pretty good.

  7. Like I said before, I just love your humor Mosie!   This one gave me my 'chuckle of the day'!  hahahahaha!  

  8. This is funny but I am sure it wasn't so funny when you thought someone was spending so much time on your site. Helen

  9. LOL you stalker you!

  10. ROFLOL!!!!!
    Have a good hump day.

  11. ROFLOL!  I'd be a bit of both I suppose.  Oh my gosh ....

  12. That is too funny!!!

  13. LOL! I love it! I also have Sitemeter (I set it up to keep track of both the AOL account AND the Blogspot account as one since they mirror). I noticed right away that it looks like I am coming from someplace odd in the Midwest. Weird! Then I realized that the problem is how I connect to the Internet. I have satellite access and the city they are giving is the address of the satellite Company! I am actually in Florida which is -several- hours away from there ;p

  14. Actually, that was my first thought, LMAO!! Glad you found a safe resolution to that one!!


  15. Now THIS was funny!!!    Anne
