Friday, September 7, 2007

A pre-funeral celebration?

I received a phone call yesterday evening from one of Cliff's cousins.  He was here in 2005, when we held a family reunion at our place.  In fact, he supplied the roast hog we all enjoyed.

Kenneth had bladder cancer a few years ago, and now the big C is back.  Doctors don't give him long to live.  So he's throwing a party.  A goat-roast, if you please.


It'll be held in a couple of weeks.  Kenneth was raised in a cabin in the woods, and he wants to die in one.  He also wants to have his going-away party at the cabin they're fixing up for him.  It should be ready two weeks from now.

I think I like this idea.

Ken told Cliff today, on the phone, that he doesn't mind dying:  he's had a lot of fun.  He does hate to leave his kids and grandkids, but he seems to be dealing with it.  Cliff told Kenneth about my cabin in the woods.

That's Kenneth and Cliff.  I think I'm going to enjoy this going-away party.

Oh yes, there WILL be pictures.  If any children or grandchildren want to accompany us, they're welcome.


  1. I think that's a GREAT idea!! I wish we'd had one for my parents!

  2. I think that's a good idea.   And I admire him for his attitude!

  3. Donna,

    He's doing what he wants to do in his last days. I had time with Mamma before she died. I remember every conversation we had those last 2 months. I'm glad your going.


  4. Wonderful ideal! Getting to attend his own going away party...hope he has little pain & enjoys his party fully!
    God bless,

  5. Bitter sweet. He has a good attitude, in my estimation. Like Crazy Horse said, "Today is a good day to die."  Hope his last days are pain free and full of family, friends, love and easy living.

  6. Wow I'm so happy he wants to celebrate his life and family while he has the chance. What wonderful memories this will make for everyone to remember when he is gone. I hope all his family turns out to honor him.
    Take care, Chrissie

  7. Great idea.  Plan to remember this, should I have the privilege of knowing when life is drawing to an end.  A party to celebrate a good life.  Wonderful!  Hope Kenneth enjoys every minute of it--and all the memories until he crosses that great divide.  Hope the younuns' join in the party.  A beautiful lesson to learn.  LaVern

  8. THE IDEA OF THE CELEBRATION TAKES A BIT OF GETTING USED TO ... but, is like tying up loose ends & having more happy memories with Ken.  He will treasure  these memories.  It's good able to really enjoy the party while he is feeling good.  How great about his cabin!

  9. So many never get to say goodbye, it is strange when you first think about it, and then you are happy for him that he has this chance to do this. I like the idea of a going out of this world party. People will remember him in life more than in death, and I like that kind of thinking. I know it will be a great party and very special.

  10. How sad, but I'm glad he can at least be able to celebrate his life among his family and friends.  Linda

  11. Donna
    I think the party is a great idea!!!!  I just lost my FIL a couple of weeks ago to lung cancer.  I wished that we would have been able to have a party for him.  A CELEBRATION OF HIS LIFE!!!  I know that he's in Heaven now, & I wouldn't call him back for nothing.  We sure do miss him though.

    I know that the party will be sad and yet so happy that he will get a chance to tell all of his loved ones good bye.  Please do take pictures & please share them.

    Hollie formerly Rooster1614

  12. I hope that this is how I would react if I found out I had a specific amount of life left. What a wonderful thing to celebrate your life! Ive always said that I would prefer that they hold a wake and everyone have a blast instead of a funeral where everyone is sad.

    I cant wait to hear all about it (AND see the pics)

  13. Rock on, Kenneth!  What a great idea to leave everyone with some great memories.....

    (I miss seeing men in bib's not very prevalent here like it is in the midwest...)


  14. It sounds as though Ken has no regrets, what a wonderful place to be at mentally.  I'll pray for him, I hope it's the party of a lifetime. I like his attitude, God bless him.   Vicki

  15. I think this is a wonderful idea.  Be present at your own going away party.   Anne

  16. It just sounds so perfect.  Makes you wonder, would you want to know ahead of time that you were going to die.  So you could have your perfect good-bye even if it meant a slow (painful?) death.  Or would you just want to go in the blink of an eye - never see it coming.....

  17. Kenneth has the RIGHT idea!

  18. I like this idea, too~!


  19. Kenneth -- I like your style.  

  20. I guess if one had to choose their manner of death, that ain't a bad one.  
