Monday, December 18, 2006

Do you think Libby will look good in red?

I was the highest bidder on this saddle for Libby, on Ebay.  $78, shipping and all!  Probably poorly made in India, since most cheap leather saddles are; but I didn't want to invest a lot of money in something that's just going to be on her back while I lead her around on Blue; also, I have no way of knowing what size saddle she'll need when she's full grown.  

This one is a regular quarter-horse tree size. 

It'll serve my purposes just fine.


  1. I think she'll look great in red!  Doesn't every lady?

  2. Red is fine!  Hope the sadle works out.  -  Barbara

  3. I am glad you got the saddle. Looking forward to seeing that lady in red. Helen

  4. I hope you get it in time for Christmas.... it would be a wonderful Christmas present wouldn't it

  5. Oh YES.............everybody needs a little RED in their life.   Anne

  6. Ok, I have never seed a saddle like that before...How do you sit on that? It has edges? Help, my stupid brain..I dont know this stuff...~Raven

  7. Can't wait for pictures of it on her.!

  8. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE PIC NUMBER 1.   When I saw the pic, I thought..."this needs to be in her side bar"....then I read that is what you were trying to do...
    Please do it....It looks wonderful.  And if you don't like it --well it'll be small when you put it in your sidebar...but I love it!!!!  
