Sunday, January 27, 2008

Going for a motorcycle ride

Wish me luck:  I have on insulated underwear (shirt and bottoms), heavy denim jeans, and sweats over the jeans.  I'll be putting the leather chaps over all that.  I have two sweatshirts on over the insulated shirt.

We'll see how long a ride we can stand at 39°.

Cliff said I remind him of the little boy in the snowsuit in "Christmas Story".


  1. Ohhhh BRRRRRR! Have a good time!

  2. I wish you warmth !  That is still pretty cold to be out on a motor cycle.  I hope Cliff dressed as warmly !  'On Ya'- ma

  3. I hope your ride is warm and comfy!  Sounds like it should be, but I remember those little spots where air would creep in ... Brrrr!

  4. hee hee! I hope you didn't freeze off anything vital. ;-)

  5. You know I had to laugh about this one. You know they say as we age we grow backwards in time. I remember those snowsuits like it was yesterday. Doc and I both love the Christmas story. It's become a Christmas tradition here at our house. (Hugs) Indigo

  6. Ha I can just see you all bundled up in that snowsuit lol

  7. LOL!  I just hope you don't fall over!
