Sunday, February 25, 2007

Our exciting (yeahrite) trip to the land of Oz

Cliff's brother, Donald, along with a friend who put up the money, bought a bunch of tractors that a farmer had retired.  Two of them actually ran; the rest were sitting in a fence row, unused.  One had a broken crankshaft; on one, the motor was "froze".  Don has all of them running now.  He and his friend intend to sell them and split the profits.  If he only sells the two 4020 John Deere tractors, it will give them back the money invested in ALL the tractors.  And the rest would be profit.

Cliff has obsessed about these silly tractors ever since Don got them to his place.  No, he doesn't want any of them; he just wanted to LOOK at them.  He's like that.

So today we spent four hours going to south Kansas, four hours visiting with Don and Mary, and four hours returning home.  Maybe now Cliff will be content.  He's visited tractor Mecca.


  1. I hope you all stayed warmd in Oz :)

  2. Don must be a really good mechanic to get all of those tractors working good.  I couldn't do it!  I'm glad you both had a nice visit and enjoyed yourselves.  I had to laugh at some of your captions on the the funnel.  LOL!  Oh...and that calculator...that's MY kind of calculator! Nice BIG number keys! Yep! I need a phone like that too!
    Have a good night.

  3. Aren't "fixer up" guys the greatest? Paula

  4. I hope you had a nice visit in between all the tractors. Long drive you had.
    'On Ya'-ma

  5. He could want to do worse things than go see his brother's tractors, lol.


  6. I am reading the same book, but although it is interesting it hits too close to home. It reminds me of my son, so I put it down and then pick it up and read it again.  It is troubling to me.  I got tickled at Cliff about to say, "I hate Kansas."  I know so many people who say that about MO.  I like everyplace....some more than others.    Anne

  7. I havent read that Grishom novel yet.....maybe its next!

    lol, KS is FLAT isnt it? it has never appealed to me to live there but it is a nice place to visit. It looks like you had a great day yesterday. Those tractors are neat. We have one but Im not allowed to drive it. I do good to drive my car! its my husbands baby.

    DOn must be a good mechanic! it looks like he has a nice place and set up where he lives.

    I hope its warmer in MO for you this week.

  8. that WAS exciting!  I love seeing rural pictures....  I don't think I'm cut out to live in normal neighborhoods and be happy about it....


  9. Kansas, huh?  OK.....

  10. LOL!  Okay, well, he did drive you to a non-existant concert!  Okay, it was cancelled, but still ....

  11. You married into a "neat" more ways than one.  I love trips like that.  It was wonderful sharing it with you.  Isn't it great that our husbands have passions that are not a threat to us!  Thanks for all the pictures.

  12.   I'm so jealous ... you know actual tractor mechanics!  I'm above the tractor line here ... nearest John Deere dealer is almost a hundred miles away!  My next journal entry will deal with my tractor woes!


  13. You were a good sport to go on a four hour drive just so Cliff could see those tractors.  I'm sure you enjoyed visiting with Dona and his wife, but I think you are a really good sport.  The tractors were interesting to see.  Let us know how you liked the book.

  14. That's so cute.  Sounds like fun!  I hope it was a pretty day for the drive.

  15. Wow thats a lot of tractors for one man to have!  Guess we all have our "things" we love to have and collect.  And all of them  Nice bunch of tractors.  Bet it was good to get out and ride too.  

  16. "I've had many of them even just lie down and act like they were dying, rather than give to the rope"

    I laughed out loud when I read that! I know very little about training cows and that little bit I found halarious....
