Wednesday, February 21, 2007

First motorcycle ride of the year

When we got back from our morning walk, the temperature was 45 degrees.  We decided to take advantage of the warmest day we've had lately and go for a motorcycle ride.  Cliff needed some new steel-toed work boots for his job, so we went to a huge western store a couple towns away from us... Kleinschmidts.  They have the biggest selection of cowboy boots, and other kinds too, that I've ever seen.  It isn't unusual to see a country music singer's tour buses parked outside this store:   it's right on the freeway, so they pull in many people who are just passing through.  They have lots of biker clothes (gloves, leathers, etc.) at the best prices around.

When Cliff went off looking for his Red Wing boots, I got sidelined in the motorcycle wear and, wouldn't you know it, I found just the biker boots I needed.  No more being the only rider in the group with sneakers on.

We did NOT need the pizza.  We've been eating out far to much lately, and it's going to have to stop.  Tomorrow. 

When we arrived back at home, it was 57 degrees.


  1. I'm glad you got boots. Better protection for your feet.  You never know what will kick up off the road.
    57F?? You're having a heat wave!  Can you go for a ride with Blue, too?
    Have a good night.

  2. Poor Sadie, getting left behind. I like those new boots. That was a nice ride you and Cliff had. Hope the weather soon opens upmore for you two to get to ride more. Helen

  3. I glad you got the boots too.  I didn't know you were riding without them.  I would have hollered, had I known.

    Looks like it was a great ride.  I know you enjoyed it.


  4. Like your boots. That is the kind of store I like to look around in. Gasoline is up here too. It just went down from $2.08 to $2.05 but the down is even higher then it had been. Paula

  5. LUCKY! I had my first day off today with the motorcycle, and it's rained all damn day. BUT, I'm also off Friday and it's calling for clear and 75 degrees.

  6. It did feel good today didn't it?

  7. It sure is warm there! Glad you had fun :)


  8. Today was great! Glad yall got to ride and glad you got your boots.

  9. Donna, You needed that pitza.  I bet it tasted wonderful.  I am glad you got to go out on the bike today too.  Anne

  10. AWESOME!!!  I'm glad you finally got a ride.  Now, Dad will have a project again! (cleaning and waxing the bike)

  11. It got up to 44 degrees here today and the sun took til afternoon to burn the fog off, but it was nice and lots of snow was melting.  Glad you all got out!  'On Ya' - ma

  12. We are going to have to start calling you motorcycle mama! lol  Love those boots, Donna! Now you are really one of the gang! hee

    Pizza Hut?  Oh man.. I love that place!  Best Pizza around!  Greasy as all get out, but darn is it ever good!!


  13. And we're supposed to get a great thunderstorm this weekend!!  AWESOME!!!

  14. Oh how I loved those pictures.  Made me feel as though I was right along there with you.  A red nose is nothing....what if you had rosatia (sp?) like me and your cheeks stayed red all the time?  Your boots look great!

  15. Sounds like a great day!  -  Barbara

  16. it sounds like you had a wonderful day!! and new boots :)


    Seems like Satan divides his time between the two of us.  Too much good food here in Texas is making me weak willed and a size bigger.  Hee...

