Saturday, April 19, 2008

Two years ago

Indeed, my mood is "happy" when I think how close Cliff came to having a heart attack.  After all, he was having angina every single day when we went for our walk, and we were calling it heartburn.  The doctors wouldn't even let him go home, once they realized what bad shape he was in.  And they wouldn't let him drive from the hospital where tests were done to the hospital where his surgery took place; no, he had to go by ambulance.  The surgery was performed on April 19, 2006.

Once Cliff left the hospital, we never saw the surgeon again; his office nurse did the last checkup and release.  I did write him a thank-you letter at some point, and I think I'll write him another one soon, just to let him know we're enjoying life two years later.

You can never say "thank you" too many times.  Which reminds me:  Joanna, thank YOU for nudging me to get Cliff to the doctor when you visited.

I still limit salt; I hardly ever add it to any recipe, and if I do, I measure a very small amount of it.  I buy no-salt canned tomatoes at Walmart and use lots of frozen veggies because they aren't salted.  We limit cholesterol, keep our meat servings to five ounces, and so forth.  We've become somewhat lax about our eating-out rules... that isn't a good thing, I know, but at least we do the right things here at home for the most part.  We both gained some weight this past winter, I'm sorry to say.  It's so easy to do.

We're still taking our daily walk, although the walk that used to take thirty minutes now takes forty, thanks to my knees.  Cliff still goes to the exercise room at work, on his lunch break.

If you haven't ever seen the entry from two years ago with all the pictures of Cliff in the hospital, click HERE.

If someone you know complains of any sort of chest pain when they exercise, even if it seems like indigestion, insist that they see a doctor.  It very well might be heart trouble.


  1. I remember well reading that entry 2 years ago, Donna.  That was a very scary time for you, and I remember all of us keeping you both in our prayers.  I'm so glad that Cliff got that matter taken care of, and is now leading a healthy, normal life..without pain..


  2. Those were anxious days for us here in J-Land that know and love you both.  I was especially affected since we have been through the same ordeal.  Praise and Thanksgiving is in order.

  3. So glad Cliff is ok and survived , Love Lisa

  4. All I can do is smile. :-)

  5. I recall that time very clearly. I still can't believe it has been two years already! I'm so glad things went so well for him. You both have angels watching over you!

  6. That's can't send to many thank yous for saving a life!  Glad you guys are enjoying your time together!  

  7. Happy Anniversary Cliff.  Donna, you're doing an awesome caregiver job.  Enjoy every minute of every day, from one who knows   Vicki

  8. You are so blessed and yes, heart attacks seem like an upset tummy sometimes...that is a good warning sign .  'On Ya' - ma

  9. So glad you and Cliff have had two more wonderful years and wish you many more. Paula

  10. Hope you have many more years to come yet to spend together :-)

