Friday, November 17, 2006

Doubleday Book Club

When I had a job, I joined up with the Doubleday book club.  I bought my required number of books, then opted out.  Ever since then, they've sent me mail that I usually don't bother to open, trying to get me to sign back up with them. 

I buy my books at garage sales, thank you very much.

The other day Cliff and I were watching TV, and an ad came on for the latest James Patterson book in his Alex Cross series.  Cliff said, "Make a note of that, won't you?  See if you can get it online."

Alex Cross novels are among our favorites for road trips.  I read, Cliff listens.  The chapters are short and the pace is fast, and those books eat away the miles.

(As a sidenote here, we've decided we like John Sandford even better than Patterson.)

"Cliff," I told him, "I buy books from; it'll be a long time before that one is on at a reasonable price."

The very next day, I got some junk mail from Doubleday.  And I opened it, thinking about James Patterson's latest.

They offered me this deal:  five books at 99 cents each, with free shipping.  And if I'd select one more for $5.99 (also free shipping), I'd only be obligated to buy three more books over the next two years.  Nothing to return by mail, I can opt out of any book at their web site.

Hey, I can't do any better than that at!

So yeah, I'm back with the Doubleday Book Club.  All I have to do now is get Cliff to go on a long enough road trip (in the car, not on the motorcycle) for me to read "Cross" to him.


  1. I used to get books from Doubleday too. they were always fun to get too... it would be better to cancel or order on line too. thanks for the tip. Sandra

  2. I get my books from the Thrift Store for .50-.75, no late editions, but cheap. :)
    Have a nice weekend.

  3. Wait.  You can read in a moving automobile??  I haven't been able to do that since I was a little biddy kid doing homework on the bus.  It makes me dizzy and sick now.  You must have very blessed inner-ear fluids.


  4. Happy Reading to you both !  Hope you are having a great morning.  I'm just trying to wake up and get enough steam to get going. Busy day here... 'On Ya' - ma

  5. Hello~
    I love Double Day! I've been buying books from them for year. But I also like and Book Sense.

    Take care,

  6. LOL...I have in the past become addicted to Doubleday...and have received some great bargains....I find if they keep sending the mail...and I don't day they make it too hard NOT to respond...and like you I enjoy Alex Cross....don't believe I have read any Sandford..will be on the lookout for him.....Hugs....Ora  ... at Walmart they had the new book "Cross"....but the price tag put me off....$20.00 for a book....kinda steep....but I persevered...stayed strong...and said...check the internet LOLOL...

  7. That is the only way I will join a book club. Make sure you get it cancel fast or you get shipments you don't want.
