Tuesday, September 19, 2006

a story about my Monday Photo Shoot entry

In order to participate in the Monday Photo Shoot, I had to Google a color wheel to find out exactly what colors are opposites; seeing orange and blue were contrasting colors, I immediately thought "Allis Chalmers orange, blue skies".

So, I told Cliff about the assignment as he was getting ready to head to the shop.  He was less than impressed with the idea, since the WC was in the wing of the shop behind two other tractors.

"Besides," he informed me, "it's filthy.  I'd have to wash it."

"Cliff, nobody will notice that it's dirty."

"Yes they would, it's really bad."

"OK then, how about a red Farmall in front of green trees?"

But next time I looked out, there he was washing the WC.  Just for J-land!  I guess he cares about everyone's opinions of his housekeeping!

Even as we were taking shots of the tractor, clouds were gathering so that it was hard to get a solid blue sky in the background; you can see them in the far background of picture # 1.  Now the whole sky is gray.


  1. What a sweetie Cliff is! I'm sure he actually did it for you and not us... but still <g>

  2. You are so clever, who would have thought of the tractor, I was thinking pumpkins!  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Cliff loves you so much. You are very blessed!

  4. Awww, how sweet Cliff is. Great pictures. Plus Cliff had on blue overalls to go with the orange. Helen

  5. well it turned out great.... and I think it looked better clean and shiny,,,     :)  Sandra

  6. Seems silly but those pictures almost made me cry.  Especially the last one.  What I wouldn't give for my husband to have the farm, the peace, the time and the joy that comes from collecting and restoring these tractors.  The shelter Cliff started before his "heart problems" makes me want to crawl behind the tractors and hide as I did when a child.

  7. I just love Cliff....he is such a sweetie!  To think he washed AC just for us!!


  8. I was wondering where Cliff was in the entry!

  9. Cliff is such a sweetie

  10. I'm nutS??????????????????????????????///

  11. Hi Mosie,
    Wasn't that so sweet of CLiff...He loves you so much Mo...
    love ya,

  12. I think Cliff washing tha tractor added a nice touch to the picture. What a great  and interesting hobby
