Monday, November 26, 2007

Ouch. May I whine?

I'm scheduled to have arthroscopic surgery on my right knee in ten days, and believe me, I'm counting those days.

I made it very well on our trip to and from Georgia.  Cliff says that trip is probably what finished me off; I don't know if that's true, but I do know I'm having the most incredible pain I've ever had in my life.  Every step makes me groan.  Thank goodness it doesn't hurt when I lie in bed, because at least I can get some sleep.

I have some Darvocet tablets, but they only take the edge off a little, and I refuse to take more than four of them a day.

I won't be taking a walk this morning, or any other morning until this thing is fixed. 

Sorry about the whining.  Sometimes it just feels better to vent about something.  Thank God I have surgery scheduled; I only wish my doctor hadn't been going out of town for two weeks!

I keep repeating to myself:  Pain purifies.  Pain purifies.


  1. I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I hope when the surgery is over the pain will go away. If pain purifies then I should be very pure with this back pain I live with all the time. (just Kidding) Helen

  2. I am so sorry you are in such pain!  I don't blame you for not wanting to take too many pain pills, but I hope you won't needlessly suffer.  Take what you can to help the pain, and hang in there.  At least you did have a wonderful trip!

  3. I hear ya sweetie, I need total knees on both, but can't have. :( So I hear you re the pain.
    Will be praying that all goes well & you recover quickly!
    Hugs, Sug

    Will you be in Liberty Hosp? Or is it a day surgery type deal?

  4. I hope that pain will be manageable til you can get the surgery. Just imagine how much better you will feel when it is all over. I would still be scared though. Any surgery is scary!

  5. Hello My name is Crystal I was just looking threw some aol journals and I found urs. I'm looking for a few journal buddies I'm kinda new to the aol journal I was with blurty but noting would really work right.. but anyways if u need another journal buddie just comment me in mine.. lol Have a great day! And I sure hope u feel better my grandmother is going to threw kida the same thing..

  6. I'm so sorry for all the pain you are in.  My Mom has arthritis in both knees, and is suffering so much.  She is 80 years old, and she thinks she's too old for the surgery.  I hope after the surgery you will be pain free.  Have a great day.

  7. You need some good chocolate with that whine :-). I hope the surgery relieves your pain and it never comes back~!


  8. I'm so sorry to hear about your knee.  It must be the season of knee aches because I know of a couple of others that are being bothered right now.  Take care and hope the pain eases soon.  'On Ya' -ma

  9. let me know how it goes, i need it on my right knee.
    Hurts like the dickens..this time of year..the cold, I guess.

  10. I'm sorry that you're hurting so much.  Just try to take it easy til you can have it done.  Let Cliff pet you for awhile.  LOL  I'll be praying for you.

  11. Mosie I'm so sorry you are hurting. Its not whining when you are really in pain like that. I hope you heal quickly and will be walking and riding soon. Paula

  12. I'm sorry to hear about the knee. My knees are both bad too, so I totally sympathize.

  13. Donna, I hope you are feeling better soonest, and if ya need a place to vent you are always welcome at my place.  Let us know how you are doing.

  14. Damn, sorry 'bout the new found level of pain.  Remember when Dad was having the tube put back in his side, and he said, "There's your *&%$* 10!"  I haven't felt that level of pain many times, but when I do, I always wonder how I'll get through.  Have you tried heat?  Ice?  Elevation?  These are obvious, but worth a try.  Also, those arthritis heat pad things, that go on like velcro and last 8 hours, are great.  If you don't know what I mean, tell me.  I'll pick one up for you.  You'll be surprised how well they help.

  15. I'll be interested to know how you recover since knee surgery is in my future, too.

    Couple shots from whatever bottle you've got handy lessens the pain some.  Just sayin'.....hee hee....


  16. Oh I will be praying for you for that knee surgery for sure!!  My husband had the same thing done recently, about two years ago.  He healed fast, in about three weeks he was hobbling around and back to work on light duty but then it took about four or five months and he felt normal again.  The first few weeks were the hardest.  Be sure Cliff has someone to help you around the first few weeks during the day!!!!  Hugs,

  17. OMG Mo, Just reading this today.  So when and where are you having it and what in the world can I do to help?  I mean it!   Anne
