Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Ten good things about this week

So many journal folks do this weekly.  I always intend to, then put it off and forget it.

1.  Lovely springtime weather

2.  two horseback rides

3.  Blue will be shod this afternoon so I won't have to worry any more about the gravel breaking off his hooves.

4.  Cliff is making excellent progress on his shop addition.

5.  My friend Joanna is coming to spend this weekend.

6.  The alfalfa we planted last fall is growing like crazy.

7.  The pasture has grown tall enough that we won't have to feed the horses hay until next winter

8.  Cliff and I lost weight

9.  Tyler and Travis help Cliff do so many chores around here, and ask for very little in return.  (Someone asked if they are home-schooled; yes, they are.)

10.  Our weaned heifers returned home, and they really ARE weaned.  Last year we thought the calves had been seperated from their moms long enough and turned them out; they immediately starting sucking.  So we hauled them to the sale barn.


  1. A good week indeed!

  2. I have seen so many journal folks do this as well.  I guess I should give it a try.  I think I'll do mine every Friday.  Love your answers!  Wish I had a horse!

  3. sounds like a wonderful week.

  4. sounds like a good week
