Sunday, April 16, 2006

How my Easter Sunday went

Yesterday afternoon I asked Cliff if we could go to my former church, the one where my membership still rests.  He had told a couple of folks to come to the house today, but he got in touch with them and asked them not to show up until after noon.

Then I suggested we ride the motorcycle to church.  He agreed to that also, and I must say it was great fun.

My daughter asked yesterday what we were doing for Easter, and after I told her and she said they'd attend church with us.  (Their membership is still there also.)

There was a roast in the crockpot, and I had peeled potatoes.  So I started the taters cooking, and Cliff's expected visitors arrived.  At noon.  On Easter Sunday.  When we were getting ready to eat.

Well, somehow we managed to have dinner.

One young man came to get the pickup he'd asked us to store for him about four years ago.  Cliff finally realized we'd never get the hunk of junk off the place if he didn't ask the guy to come and get it.  As you can see by the pictures, there were a few problems loading it.

The other couple came to get a sickle mower Cliff gave them. 

You see, Cliff never gave a thought to the fact this was Easter Sunday, a family day.  One weekend day is pretty much the same as another to him.

A highlight of my day was a visit from Arick, our oldest grandchild.  We hadn't seen him for awhile.

We survived.  And I still get goosebumps thinking about the music I heard in Church this morning.


  1. I love the picture of your granddaughters!  When my son was about 2-3 he loved Easter egg hunts so much we did them through October of that year! LOL!
    Glad you had a good day!

  2. I'm glad you had a nice Easter.

  3. We had an early morning worship and it was awesome.  Very touching and very meaningful.  
    Guess you don't wear a dress when you ride the motorbike to church?
    I never wear dresses anymore, hardly anywhere.

  4. sounds like you had a wonderful day.

  5. Pleased to read that your Easter was a happy one.

  6. Glad to see Dixie again.  She sure is growing.

  7. I have never been on a blog site before.  Don't know how I got here, but who cares!  Love your comments about Easter.  I praise the Lord for anyone who goes to a Bible preaching church these days.  I love the Lord, our country, Israel, and, yes, President Bush.  Thank you for making my day!


  8. I am so glad that you got to go to your church for Easter....Bet it felt like going home again!
    I think that you are so amazing...I know that life with you has been such a good trip for Cliff!!!!
    Take care,
